View Full Version : RIP Chowdie 1st anniversary

12-14-2006, 07:50 PM
*sigh* It's already been one year since I had to put my dear old ChowChow down. All the memories of our last night together came flooding back - we have a huge blue spruce tree right outside my workshop window that we decorate with lights at Christmas. On his last night last year, I wrapped him in one of my son's baby quilts and sat rocking him & singing Christmas carols to him for hours watching those tree lights, knowing that his poor little sick body just wasn't going to go on anymore. I took him in the next morning.
Now the tree lights are on again, and it makes me feel so sad to look out and see them....and no Chowdie-kins nearby. Chow Chow, I will always treasure memories of your warm comforting purr, your big blue eyes and soft fur, and all those years of quiet companionship you gave to me. I miss you, sweetie boy.

I usually just post about my dogs, I think because the bond between Chow Chow & me was so private, he was my heart-kitty. I really miss him. I lived with him longer than i did with either husband or my two sons.

12-14-2006, 08:44 PM
What a sweet little thing Chow Chow was. I can understand how much you miss him. It's been 4 years ago this month that I lost my beloved Casey "Bubba Dude". My heart still hurts too.

(((HUGS))) to you Cyber-Sibes.

critter crazy
12-14-2006, 08:49 PM
Rest In Peace Chow Chow!! You were such a cutie pattotie Chow Chow!!

12-14-2006, 09:01 PM
Chow Chow was such a handsome boy. I'm sure you do miss him very much. The story about the tree is heartwarming, yet sad. {hugs}

Cinder & Smoke
12-14-2006, 09:01 PM
Now the tree lights are on again,
and it makes me feel so sad to look out and see them ...
and no Chowdie-kins nearby.



But you've got those Wonderful Memories ... cherish them.


/s/ Phred

12-17-2006, 04:33 PM
Chow Chow is so pleased that you are still thinking of him.
He thinks of you too, and tells All The Pet Angels what a Great Meowmie you are.Hes been all over the World with the Pet Angel Army and cant wait until you see some of the places that you will visit together!
One Fine Day.

12-17-2006, 09:42 PM
Thank you! I hope he forgives me for the rough times. It wasn't always easy, but I promised him I would take care of him for the all of his life. I know we had some rough spots, but I kept my word. He went through some very serious bouts of illness, and spent a couple years being a "hidden" kitty as I wasn't allowed to have pets in one apartment. Another time my husband & kids & I had to move in with my in-laws for a while, my ex-FIL refused to let me keep him. I refused to "get rid of the cat" as instructed, FIL finally allowed Chow on the property. So I spent many nights sleeping outside in my van so I keep Chowdie company. The home I have now was his "retirement home" - it is surrounded by gardens, and he loved lying in the peppermint in the sun all day. I hope he was happy here.

smokey the elder
12-18-2006, 07:23 AM
What a cutie! RIP Chow Chow.

12-18-2006, 05:49 PM
Chowdie sounds like he was such a neat kitty!!! Today is our Ashley's 8th anniversary of going to the Bridge. I am sure that Chowdie and Ashley had a great catnip party!!! Sleep softly, sweet Chowdie....