View Full Version : My mothers Cat

11-29-2006, 07:15 PM
My mother's 12 year old cat has been disgnosed with A sort of cancer caused by waiting to late to get them fixed and it is attcking her badly my mother does not have the money to pay for chemo treatment to shrink it so that they can operate I just hope something gives and happens because my poor mother is torn bwteen some hard choices of putting her asleep or not because the cat is loosing alot of weight and has a lump on her tummy and she has this thick scab that seeps a puss out and its hard for my mother to watch her die btu would rather her die at home than put her to sleep and my mother is trying to get the money to pay for some chemo which is 1,000 per treatment she may need 3 treatments until they are able to operate on her if anyone has any suggestions let me know.

11-29-2006, 07:33 PM
I had the same problem with Shemp earlier this year and had to let him go.
I hate to say this, but it sounds as though your Mothers Cat may be beyond hope, and it would be kinder to let that Poor Companion go.
Chemo Therapy is rough on an Older Cat, and there are sadly no guarantees.
We are praying for Your Friend.

11-29-2006, 08:52 PM
If she dies at home, it will be in pain.

Is your mom's cat still enjoying life?

A good question for your mom to ask the vet is this: "What would you do if this was your cat?"

Putting her to sleep will put an end to her suffering. This is a very very hard decision, I know...but I hope your mom will think of what is best for her cat.

I also think she is beyond help from chemo...but only a vet can decide for sure.

I hope your mom will ask the vet for advice on whether the chemo will help.

HUGS and PRAYERS are coming your way.

11-29-2006, 09:43 PM
Rather than trying to get money together for chemo which most likely will not help at this stage as the cat sounds like it is really going down hill, please, please bring this poor kitty to the vet and have it PTS, so it can pass peacefully rather that let it suffer painfully waiting for it to die at home.

I know it is a very hard decision to do, but how anyone can just stand back and watch their animal suffer and die, is beyond me.

It's because of the love you have for the cat, that you should allow a peacefull passing for it. You have to put your emotions aside and do what is best for the cat.

12-01-2006, 12:42 PM
It is always a tough when a beloved cat is so ill. We had the same decision to make for our Ralph Syracuse when we found out he had lymphoma. Ralph had a good quality of life for nearly 2 months, but then it was time to let him go. Letting the cat go when it is suffering so, is the ultimate act of love. It sounds like it is time to end the cat's suffering and maintain her dignity. It is time to let go...