View Full Version : I'm upset!!! (Updated!!)

11-09-2006, 11:52 AM
Well, today at noon, my neighbors' 8 year old daughter showed up to ask me if she could borrow a pet carrier from me. According to her, they were feeding a stray cat for a couple of days, and she was pregnant and about to have her babies, so they wanted to take her to the vet.

As I was about to leave and in a hurry, I gave her the carrier and asked her to tell me later what has happened.

Well, just a few minutes ago, her father came to bring the carrier back. I asked him what was going on and how the cat was doing, and he said she was pregnant so they brought her to the shelter!!! :( :( :(

Well, a part of me is happy that she did not stay with them (judging from the way how thoughtless they are with their rabbits and guinea pigs), but I'm also very disappointed to see how easily people dispose a cat at the shelter. That poor kitty mommy chose this family in her hour of need!!

I wish I had more time, money and space!!! Or at least knew a few more people here who would adopt the mommy or/and the kitten. I hope the kittens won't be killed at birth; I don't know how this shelter is working. Maybe I should go there for a visit tomorrow, or at least call and ask how the mommy cat is doing.


11-09-2006, 12:15 PM
OMG - at least call, try to visit! If they ARE going to kill the kittens and mom, ask them to put a hold on them...that will give you and us at PT time to find solutions!

11-09-2006, 12:24 PM
:( OMG My Heart Just Sank.. How thought-less.. They should have been truthfull to you.. Please check on wittle moma for us & make sure she knows someone cares..

11-09-2006, 12:32 PM
I just called at the shelter, but nobody picked up. Well, it's 7:30 pm here, so I assume there's nobody there in the evenings. I will call there tomorrow, but I just spoke to my mom about it and she said they wouldn't kill the kittens, or the mommy. I hope she's right (she has spoken to the shelter people a couple of times in the past).

I'll keep you updated!


11-09-2006, 04:40 PM
Thtas Terrible, When Pouncette Came Here I Called The Animal Welfare And The Momma Cat And Kittens Were Rehomed.
Do You Have Anything Like That In Germany.
Lets Pray That Those Cats And Kittens Get A Place In The Sun.
Maybe Lily And Luna Would Like A Kitten To Love.

11-09-2006, 07:55 PM
oh no, I PRAY you'll get them in time!

maybe you can tell them you can go once in a while and visit, help them ... I just hope I won't hear next bad update, let us know!

11-09-2006, 10:48 PM
I sure hope that both mama and babies to be will be okay.:( Please continue to update us about them when you can.

11-10-2006, 05:15 AM
I called at the shelter this morning and learnt that what my neighbors considered to be a pregnant cat was in fact a big male!! How typical for my neighbors to not even see the difference!! :mad:

Anyway, at the shelter they hope that he may still be picked up by his regular owner. I left my telephone number so they can call me if there are any news.

I'll keep you updated!


11-10-2006, 06:23 AM
OK, a first good news! I hope the cat finds his people back, if he is not a stray!

About your neighbours, unfortunately, this is how non-animal lovers will react. You cannot expect more than just picking up the animals in the street and bringing them to who they think are the competent people. You know, I also know people who would not feed the cats and chase them out of their garden instead.

11-10-2006, 10:08 AM
oh good gracious.. but, thank god it's not the mommy babies with pure new lives!

I assume they've found the original owner huh?

thanks! for keeping us updated.

by the way, just thought you'd like to know, my brother is in your country now. ;)

11-10-2006, 12:03 PM
by the way, just thought you'd like to know, my brother is in your country now.

Cool! :) In which area is he?


11-10-2006, 04:08 PM
Lets hope that that Big Fellow can be reunited with his Guardians, and that we have a happy ending.

12-03-2006, 10:10 PM
quoted by kirsten
Cool! :) In which area is he?

sorry I forgot to answer this, I had to email my brother where he went because all I knew was germany...ha. anyway, he was in frankurt, berlin, prague and munich! familiar areas?

any update on this male kitty? hope he found a good home!

01-11-2007, 01:58 AM
Any more recent updates?

01-15-2007, 09:19 PM

01-15-2007, 09:38 PM
I am so glad the kit was a male! I sure hope he finds his owners or new ones!!