View Full Version : My poor little white fella

10-15-2006, 08:50 PM
My poor little baby named Armando got hit by a car on a hot summer day when he was lying in the street :( I didn't really know until the next morning.I was very heartbroken.He was only 2 years old and I loved him very much :(

10-15-2006, 09:46 PM
I'm sorry about your Armando. :( That's why I truly believe that cats belong indoors. Too many elements out there to do them harm.

10-16-2006, 09:35 AM
I just wish these people would not be in such a hurry to go somewhere.
Poor Little Armando joins the many Pets who die needlessly because of the lead footed.
He is now a Pet Angel, and wants you to know that hes having fun with all sorts of Pet Angels, and has been petted by Pet Guardians.
He wants you to know that while hes happy, you will always be his Meeowmie
for ever, and he will see you again.
One Fine Day.

10-20-2006, 10:17 AM
for your loss. I lost my 2 year little girl Shiraz on 18 July to a car and I can understand the pain you are feeling. I still occasionally have a little cry but mostly I try and remember the good times that we had. I hope Armando has met up with Shiraz and that they are having fun together at RB.