View Full Version : Muskrat

10-02-2006, 08:04 PM

To my darling little wisp of a girl, Muskrat:

I hope you have now regained your health and strength, having found your big brother Meeshe at Rainbow Bridge, and that he is looking out for you like he did here on earth.

I learned so much from you, my little Reese's Peanut Butter cupcake, and I know that during our few years together you learned to trust people, even if that trust did not extend beyond me and your Daddy. Quite an accomplishment, for you and us.

Whatever awful experience you had before we found you that broke your little leg took a long time to overcome, as did the physical healing process. After suffering through an abcess, bone infection and many antibiotics (all the while being FeLV+) you finally won that fight and were able to keep your hind leg, and even though it never healed properly and was permanently bowed which caused you to hobble a bit, it was not painful. You hippity-hopped around and looked so cute chasing snake charmer when we would play. It was not a disability to you at all! You were just glad to be alive. I admired your strength and persistance at getting better way back then, AND I admired your refusal to allow me to touch you as you were recuperating in your cage. But I hung in there, spending many hours reading nursery rhymes and singing to you, until you finally allowed my touch. At first, it was only with a brush, but then you welcomed my hand. Our relationship continued to blossom over the years, and eventually you were my lap kitty, welcoming petting, brushing and playtime with purrs and head bumps; every so often you would elicit a scrappy hiss when you felt like you needed to revert to your feral upbringing.

I hope you had a fulfilling life here with us, my prettiest of pretty girls. I trust that I made the proper, timely decision and did the right thing by you, Muskrat, and that you were ready to depart. You continued to impress me even in your last days . . . still the courageous and valiant fighter, but like your brave FeLV+ brother before you, some fights just can't be won and I'm so terribly sorry.

We love and miss you, Muskrat. The hammock photo is old, but I have the most recent photo I took of her still in my camera and when I finish the roll and get it developed I will add it to her tribute if it is of decent quality.

10-02-2006, 08:37 PM
Oh, little sweet Muskrat.
We hope you enjoyed your time here, as much as your Mama and Daddy enjoyed having you.

Run hard on your new leg at the Rainbow Bridge.

Godspeed, Muskrat

10-03-2006, 09:38 AM
Muskrat is now an Eternal Kitten, and her Angel is Sam, who has taken to this little Tortie.
They go everywhere together, and Sam shows her where the good food is, and whats good to eat, and where to sleep.Muskrat has a great time at buffets where she can fly in and dine.
She misses you, and will drop in and see you until you meet again.
One Fine Day.

10-03-2006, 11:08 AM
What a warm and loving tribute, and I can see how much of a hole she has left in your heart and your world. May comfort be found in the memories you shared.

RIP, sweet Muskrat.

10-03-2006, 11:50 AM
Muskrat's and your common story is a story of love and trust. She'll live forever in your heart.

10-03-2006, 03:47 PM
I am so sorry to hear of Muskrat's passing. She looks so adorable in the picture, enjoying her hammock! She looks so very much like my Sasha!

RIP sweet Muskrat, and play hard at the RB with the many other PT kitties that are there to greet you.

10-03-2006, 05:15 PM
RIP Muskrat. You lived a brave life and you were LOVED! What more could you ask for? Even a hundred years of life could not give you more. You will be greatly missed.

10-04-2006, 01:06 AM
Muskrat's passing is so sad:( but I know that she knew she was very much loved. RIP sweet Muskrat. :(

smokey the elder
10-04-2006, 07:05 AM
What a sweet tribute to Muskrat. Play nice at the Bridge, pretty kitty.

10-12-2006, 04:26 PM
Poor Muskrat.I'm sorry for your loss :(
I'm sure she found her big brother Meeshe so they could keep each other company.

10-13-2006, 06:21 PM
I heard Shemp and Mukrat Angel on the Porch last night, and they had brought food for The Porch Angels and the Porch Cats.
Muskrat and Shemp were so resplendent in thier Angel Garb,
And want you to know that Muskrat is fine, but does miss you.
Muskrat says to be patient, you will be reunited.
One Fine Day.

10-15-2006, 04:33 PM
I heard Shemp and Mukrat Angel on the Porch last night, and they had brought food for The Porch Angels and the Porch Cats.
Muskrat and Shemp were so resplendent in thier Angel Garb,
And want you to know that Muskrat is fine, but does miss you.
Muskrat says to be patient, you will be reunited.
One Fine Day.
Thank you for those reassuring words. I hope she knows that I miss her, too. I'm glad she and Shemp have become RB friends. :)