View Full Version : Please Help!

07-30-2006, 02:04 PM
Annie is a beautiful black and white, short-haired house cat. She is 8 years old, and has been spayed and declawed. She is very sweet and extremely affectionate and loves snuggling up to anyone as much as she possibly can. Unfortunately, I have developed an allergy to cats since I became pregnant a few months ago and therefore we need to find a new home for her. I am heartbroken over this and hope to find a comfy, loving home for her. If you or anyone you know is interested, please let me know as soon as possible. We live on Long Island and would be delighted to bring her to your home.
Thank you for your help,
Annie's Family

07-30-2006, 03:05 PM
Maybe you could post her on PetFinder.com? Poor Annie. Have you tried giving her baths so there's not as much dander? That might help your allergies, and making her stay out of the bedroom, too.

07-30-2006, 06:41 PM
Is there anyone who could keep her until after the baby is born?? Have you tried air filters???? My friend who is deathly allergic to cats, brings hers over and we put ours on, and Linda can visit without any problems!!!

Killer Kitten
07-31-2006, 01:18 AM
Buy a good vacuum with a premium HEPA filter. It'll cost some bucks but it's worth it.
Give the house a good reaming out. Use your new vacuum on all carpet and fabric surfaces, clean the rest of the surfaces until they shine.
Have the cat bathed and thoroughly groomed while the house is being done, then buy a comb & brush for her and keep up with daily combing/brushing.
Purchase some cat wipes in your local pet store. They are special wipes made to absorb cat dander and do wonders for people with allergies.

With a bit of work, it is possible to live quite easily with a cat even if you have allergies. I live with a violent allergy, asthma and sixteen cats just fine.