View Full Version : Max's Whole Story...

07-24-2006, 10:12 PM
This is Max's whole story. I really want to tell you the whole story, it was all broken up before and now I'm going to tell you it all. Every single bit of it.

Sometime earlier this year, I don't know the exact date, my mom got a call from a friend of hers. She's a police women, and she had recently given one of the police dogs she had trained to a women because the dog, Bricks had hip problems. These hip problems weren't fatal, a police dog just couldn't work with them because of all the running, jumping, and agility the dogs need to do. The women that then owned the dog renamed him to Maxwell. Later on the police women found out "Max" was being starved. She called my mom right away, asking her to take him, since the police service couldn't take him back. My mom called the person who had the dog then, and asked what was going on. She said Max was going to be put to sleep in 5 days if no one would adopt him. A day before he was put to sleep we went to go take a look at him. We met at a local park with Rupert. We saw Max and how horrible he looked. He didn't have any meat on him at all, and she said all she fed him was table scraps every once a while. His coat was all blotchy, it was in the condition to wear you could just pull off a whole chunk of fur in places. His hips looked fine to us, we didn't really know what exactly to think about this dog. But we definetley didn't want a dog like this to do. We wondered why she didn't take him to a rescue or something, I mean, an AKC registered dog, papered and all, how fortunete would it be to put to sleep a dog like that? We didn't ask, we should've, but we didn't. I wish we did, though. He and Rupert liked eachother, so we took him home without researching much on German Shepherds, and I see now that that was a big mistake. Max has gotten any bigger than he was when we bought him, but the dander and fur all over the house always bothered my dad, nevertheless everyone else in the family. We've tried putting stuff in the laundry that said it would help, but it didn't. We tried a special air freshener designed just for allergies to animals. It didn't work. We've tried different stuff, different medicines, none of it seems to help. He is also a very big dog. We don't really have a big enough house for him, I tend to think GSDs are one of the biggest dogs, and we honestly don't have room for him and Rupert. Out hallway is rather small, so we can't go down the hallway with him, we have to go single file. Maybe Rupert & a smaller dog, but not Rupert & Max. We're planning at the moment to get a Boxer. but we're still not sure. W'ere also researching Boston Terriers & Pugs, we are not 100% sure at the moment.

It might sound pathetic, and if you insist not believing me, okay, fine. But this is all the truth and none of it is going to be changed. That's the whole story. Thanks for reading.

Also... I know I said I'd leave...but... I was just being stubborn :rolleyes: Sorry for making you guys think I was causing drama.

07-24-2006, 10:39 PM
That poor Max.

He needs tender love and care right now. His diet must be accessed, like wise, he needs to be bathed, brushed and seen by a Vet.
German Shepards are such wonderful dogs!!!!! So full of LOVE!!!! Yet, they require a some maintenence along with space to thrive in.

I am hopeful that if you can't tend to his immediate needs, that you will seek another resource, (another person) who can and will take care of him.

I am so glad that he was not euthanized. As, with proper attention, he will undoubtedly regain his former glory.

Please keep us up-dated on Max!!!

07-24-2006, 10:45 PM
I'm one of Sarah's best friend's so I know pretty much everything she knows about he dogs... LOL, so I'd like to add something everyone. My neighbor Lisa, owns Lola, my show puppy, as some of you have seen in pictures. She's very interested in Max. She's just trying to convience her husband, Mars, to agree. We're not too sure yet, but once he gets neautred and everything, and Mars sees him when we bring him over one day, he'll fall in love with him... and have to say.... YES. Since they have a Rottweiler, they're really experienced with extreme shedders, and they have a HUGE yard. Their big girl, Cocoa, a Doberman/Rottie was just put to sleep, and they weren't exactly looking for another dog at the moment, but then Lisa heard about Max. If you want, keep your fingers crossed for this Maxie boy! Lisa & Mars would give him the best home he could have!

07-24-2006, 10:48 PM
Well it would have been nice to hear the whole story from the beginning, since it wasn't really how you represented it to start with, but thanks for at least telling the truth about it. I know I'm not the only one who prefers to hear the truth rather than made up things to cause drama. You will find yourself a lot more welcome here if you are just up front, even if not everyone agrees with the choices made. I still wish Max the best and I hope you find him a good home, he doesn't deserve to go to the pound. I have to say though, owning two boxers, if your house is not big enough for max, it's not big enough for the energy of a boxer. You may think so but it's not. THey aren't THAT much smaller, do shed, and need a lot of room for running and playing. If they don't get this exercise they will not do well and will become destructive. You should definitely look into a smaller dog, and pugs often shed a lot, so keep that in mind. I would suggest not getting any other dogs for a while if allergies are really a problem in the house though, but if you are gonig to anyway, you really need to get a smaller dog if the house is that small.

07-24-2006, 10:51 PM
A boxer is still a big dog...Poor Max, you should have started finding him a home when you got him instead of saying you were going to keep him.
And this is he reason we have so many homless animals, the carlessness of people that dont reaserch the breed.
I hope he gose to a home where people know how to treat him.
And your dad cant be allergic to one dog and not the other....
Hes either allergic or not ?

Lady's Human
07-24-2006, 10:55 PM

As someone with allergies, it is entirely possible to be allergic to one dog and not another. It happens to me all the time. Lady doesn't bother me, some dogs do, some dogs don't.

07-24-2006, 10:59 PM

As someone with allergies, it is entirely possible to be allergic to one dog and not another. It happens to me all the time. Lady doesn't bother me, some dogs do, some dogs don't.But isnt it the dander?
The kind all dogs have? Except for some of the curly coats.
And with a coat so similar?

Lady's Human
07-24-2006, 11:01 PM
It is the dander, but some dogs don't affect me in the least, others do, and I know I'm not unique in that respect.

07-24-2006, 11:18 PM
All flowers have pollen but that doesn't mean people are allergic to all pollens, some bother and some don't .Same principal. BTW LH Rusty says ylou didn't sneeze once at the BBq while he velcroed you! LALALALALALAAAAAAAA!(evil chuckle cause Rusty loves Lady)

07-25-2006, 08:53 AM
It is entirely possible to be allergic to some dogs and not others, I would just hate to see the family go through a string of dogs trying to find one he's not allergic to and I think if he is that allergic they are better off just keeping the one dog the already have that he can deal with and not keep getting others that might cause the same reaction as Max. Then what happens to all those dogs if he IS allergic? That's personally for me why I suggested they just don't get any other dogs right now.

07-25-2006, 09:15 AM
There are many great rescues that will take in purebred dogs. :) Please contact this one:


They specialize in the GSD.

07-25-2006, 10:41 AM
I'm glad you rescued Max but sounds like you need to find him a home. You really need to meet the breeds you are thinking of and read up. If you don't have room for a GSD you DON"T have room for a Boxer (I know I have had to rearrange some of my life for Tyson the energizer boxer) I have 2 newfies and he wears thm out and still has go power. Most all young dogs will be full of energy, I might suggest an older dog, they are calmer with age ,but remember some DO NOT ever slow down.

07-25-2006, 02:59 PM
GSD's bother my allergies and other breeds don't. Pugs shed a ton! Don't get a pug if your dad has problems. I work in a boarding kennel and of all the dogs we have, the pugs shed the most for their size. When we wash down the kennels each morning, the pugs have the most hair in the drains.

finn's mom
07-25-2006, 03:33 PM
I haven't gotten too involved in this whole situation for a few reasons. All I'm going to say is please don't get a boxer. If you absolutely must get another dog, which I think is a horrible idea, please get something small or at the most, a medium sized dog (nothing bigger than a cocker spaniel type, in my opinion).

07-25-2006, 10:32 PM
Sarah, how that I'm really thinking on this, have you thought about having just Rupert? I mean, it'll give you much more quality time with him, and I'm sure you would have much more time to train him and play with him. Nevertheless, there won't be as much fur, as much brushing, or as much expenses. But otherwise, maybe you should try a small dog, as I was talking to you about earlier. Like a Boston Terrier, or possibly even a Bulldog. I don't know how much Beagles and Bassett Hounds shed, but maybe you should try researching in. Hope I could help...

07-26-2006, 12:34 PM
Im not trying to pick on you or anything just want to let you know that boxers can shed a HELL of alot of coat along with beagle and bassets as Zoomer suggested.

Also I agree with others, If you dont have room for Max you wont have room for a boxer they are so hyper and need space to run about and you cant expect a clumsy boxer pup to be placed in a small house.

How about just keeping your other dog as your friend Zoomer suggested? that way you wont need the worry and the heartache if you need to get rid of the future dog you get.

07-26-2006, 08:46 PM
Vela, it's not the energy we don't have room for, it's the size. Boxers are smaller than GSDs and Rupert has just as much energy as a Boxer, he's a Lab/Pit Bull, and pitties are rather like Boxers.

07-26-2006, 08:53 PM
I have a pit bull as you know, believe me even though she does not not have much fur she sheds, I'm sure a boxer would also. There is a boxer down the road from me he is NOT small at all. I honestly dont see any pit in Rupert, but what do I know? ;)

07-26-2006, 09:35 PM
I have no idea where you are getting that boxers are smaller than German shepherds. It's purely an individual basis, and as a rule they are close to the same weight category. Some boxers can be around 90 pounds and not obese.

From AKC.org


The desired height for males at the top of the highest point of the shoulder blade is 24 to 26 inches; and for bitches, 22 to 24 inches.


Adult males 23 to 25 inches; females 21½ to 23½ inches at the withers

1 inch shorter if you are comparing the top end of the GSD scale... maybe. and some of course are going to be just as tall as a GSD, some GSDs are shorter than normal. The size difference is very minimal on average, and energy level should have much more to do with confining a dog in small quarters than physical size.

07-26-2006, 09:35 PM
Boxers are not all that small, as you well know from seeing Zoomer's and a GSD is just not that much bigger than a boxer. In fact most Boxers need as much room as GSD, if not more. They are one of the most active dogs there are. And supposedly his shedding was part of the problem. Boxers do shed, a lot. I honestly do not think your family has the commitment a Boxer takes, if you are not willing to have the committment to Max. You have no idea if your dad will be allergic to the dog, so if he is does the Boxer go the way of Max? They aren't like trading cards. You may not want my opinion but I'm giving it to you anyway, Boxers need a LOT more than you may expect and I'm not just talking to hear myself, I have two of them. I do not think you guys are prepared to own a boxer and you ought to just be happy you can have Rupert and that your dad is not allergic, especially since your house is so small. My house is NOT small, and I still trip over my boxers in the hallway daily.

07-26-2006, 09:54 PM
Hmmm.... I'm trying to think Sarah. I can't really think of any dog that doesn't shed a lot besides a Chinese Crested.... LOL.

07-26-2006, 10:03 PM
i'm not going to get into all this, but i just have a couple things to say. first off it was nice of you to take Max in. i'm sure he thanks you for that. i do think that you should have done your research on the breed. before you even think of adding another dog(i personally think you shouldn't) do your research. A LOT of research! if you are getting rid of Max because he is too big and sheds a boxer is NOT what you need or the boxer will more than likely end up exactly like Max. a throw away because his owners didn't do their research.

poor Max :(

07-26-2006, 10:08 PM
a throw away

A throw away!? Max is NOT a throw away....!

07-26-2006, 10:09 PM
A throw away!? Max is NOT a throw away....!
she's giving him up because of something like shedding. something that is fixable. he's a throw away. hopefully someone will find him and he will be their treasure.

Daisy and Delilah
07-26-2006, 10:20 PM
I can only hope and pray that someone will get him that will truly love him and take care of him. He deserves a decent life. He's been through enough already. This story continues to sadden me beyond belief. In my opinion....the last thing you need is another dog :(

07-26-2006, 10:27 PM
A boxer is still a big dog...Poor Max, you should have started finding him a home when you got him instead of saying you were going to keep him.
And this is he reason we have so many homless animals, the carlessness of people that dont reaserch the breed.
I hope he gose to a home where people know how to treat him.
And your dad cant be allergic to one dog and not the other....
Hes either allergic or not ?
I compleatly agree. We should have fostered him in the first place but we thought he would stay with us forever,but..... I quess I was wrong. My family would never but Max in a foster home. NEVER. I would Never add on to the list of dogs being but to sleep each day. I no that dogs are dogs and you cant really find a dog that doesnt shed. But My family is trying to find a dog that would be a little easier for my dad and his allergies

07-26-2006, 10:29 PM

As someone with allergies, it is entirely possible to be allergic to one dog and not another. It happens to me all the time. Lady doesn't bother me, some dogs do, some dogs don't.
Thank you :)

07-26-2006, 10:31 PM
I can only hope and pray that someone will get him that will truly love him and take care of him. He deserves a decent life. He's been through enough already. This story continues to sadden me beyond belief. In my opinion....the last thing you need is another dog :(

ditto. :(

07-26-2006, 10:41 PM
I think if he is that allergic they are better off just keeping the one dog the already have that he can deal with and not keep getting others that might cause the same reaction as Max. Then what happens to all those dogs if he IS allergic? That's personally for me why I suggested they just don't get any other dogs right now.
When we first got Max we didnt know him. When we saw the bad conditions that he was in we fust took him.Makayla knows she was there it was not pretty. We took him, we could have never let a dog like him die.... or any dog . But I promiss that the next dog I get we will look at for a long long time before i just get her/him

07-26-2006, 10:47 PM
Sarah, how that I'm really thinking on this, have you thought about having just Rupert? I mean, it'll give you much more quality time with him, and I'm sure you would have much more time to train him and play with him. Nevertheless, there won't be as much fur, as much brushing, or as much expenses. But otherwise, maybe you should try a small dog, as I was talking to you about earlier. Like a Boston Terrier, or possibly even a Bulldog. I don't know how much Beagles and Bassett Hounds shed, but maybe you should try researching in. Hope I could help...
thanks Makayla :)

07-26-2006, 10:50 PM
thanks everyone I love that you are helping me try to find out informatoin

07-26-2006, 10:50 PM
I have been watching this thread for a while now and wasn't going to say a thing. I changed my mind. First off there a few people here on pet talk that know I will be there to rehome an animal FOR THE RIGHT REASONS, to the RIGHT HOME. Max is a throw away to you. Period. You want 2 dogs so desperatley but have no commitment from your own self or your parents. Your Dad is allergic to one not the other then stick with the one. Yet you are determined to find by trial and error with no thought to the chaos you are causing an animal to find a second one. How selfish. Kudos for feeding Max. Have you called GSDRESCUES ? Have you talked to your Dad about antihistamines? Have you spared a thought to how Max will feel? You were advised maybe a Chinese Crested? NOPE they aren't hypo allergenic either, nor are they all hairless. A boxer you say? Hmmmmm Kind of like living with a 90 pound cat/dog they are agile energetic very sheddy and drool. They also don't deserve you. My advice go to Wally world buy a dog add batteries and hope.

07-26-2006, 10:54 PM
I have no idea where you are getting that boxers are smaller than German shepherds. It's purely an individual basis, and as a rule they are close to the same weight category. Some boxers can be around 90 pounds and not obese.

From AKC.org



1 inch shorter if you are comparing the top end of the GSD scale... maybe. and some of course are going to be just as tall as a GSD, some GSDs are shorter than normal. The size difference is very minimal on average, and energy level should have much more to do with confining a dog in small quarters than physical size.
:confused: wow that suprisess me I think I should cross Boxers of my list lol

07-27-2006, 01:20 AM
Sw33t! So you aren't going to get a Boxer sibling with Zoomer and in-breed the heck out of the poor dogs? Praise the lord.

I, too, am kind of icky-feeling after reading all of this. It makes me want to cuddle my dogs and tell them I'm never going to treat them in such a way.

Call GSD rescue, is all I can say. And call Lab rescue, while you're at it. :rolleyes:

07-27-2006, 01:31 AM
I'm glad to hear you're crossing the Boxer off your list, but like others have said, I don't feel that you should even be looking into getting another dog yet....really, I'm not intending to be rude, but how do you honestly kow your Dad won't be allergic to the next dog??

Have you checked into GSD rescue organizations yet?

Here's a link to a rescue in Washington (not sure if its close to you or not, but its all I could find at the moment):

Washington German Shepherd Dog Rescue (http://www.washingtongsd.org/)

I'm sure they'd have an easier time choosing the proper home for Max than you will, as they obviously are involved with the breed and can properly screen potential adopters.

07-27-2006, 02:02 AM
No dog is considered non-allergenic because all dogs produce dander, saliva, and urine which are the offending allergens. Any dog who sheds skin, urinates, or licks has the potential to become a problem for an allergic individual. How do you know for certain that your Dad won't be allergic to the next dog you bring home? You will never know unless you bring them home and "test" them with your Dad.

Just keep the dog you have now and quit thinking about getting another dog. :mad:

Dander can be controlled on most breeds with the proper diet, bathing, and grooming. Have you even tried switching him to a higher quality food? If you truly love Max you would do everything possible to keep him.

This thread makes me so sad... :(

07-27-2006, 10:01 AM
I can only hope and pray that someone will get him that will truly love him and take care of him. He deserves a decent life. He's been through enough already. This story continues to sadden me beyond belief. In my opinion....the last thing you need is another dog

Well said!!

07-27-2006, 10:18 AM
Sw33t! So you aren't going to get a Boxer sibling with Zoomer and in-breed the heck out of the poor dogs? Praise the lord.

We weren't going to, that was already all cleared up :rolleyes: