View Full Version : Do you think this is okay???

critter crazy
07-24-2006, 12:25 PM
I have noticed that alot of people drive around in their cars with their dogs on their laps, most half way out the window! How do you feel about this, and do you do it? I dont feel it is safe for either dog or owner. it seems to me it would be such a distraction! What would happen if the dog moved just right and bumped something like the steering wheel or the shifter?? I woul;d love everyones opinion in this!

07-24-2006, 12:28 PM
I never really thought much of it until now, actually. But most of the dogs in owners' laps are the small ones, Bichons, toys, dogs like that, so I'm not sure if they'd even be able to move the shift if they tried, lol.

critter crazy
07-24-2006, 12:30 PM
I never really thought much of it until now, actually. But most of the dogs in owners' laps are the small ones, Bichons, toys, dogs like that, so I'm not sure if they'd even be able to move the shift if they tried, lol.

yes i have to agree they are mostly small dogs, bu i have seen border collies as well as a few labs! The one i saw today was a pug, but it had to go about 30lbs! Hanging out the window, and moving from passenger to driver seat constantly! It just didnt seem safe to me!

07-24-2006, 12:33 PM
I never really thought much of it until now, actually. But most of the dogs in owners' laps are the small ones, Bichons, toys, dogs like that, so I'm not sure if they'd even be able to move the shift if they tried, lol.

Oh yeah they can... and do. I have seen many a lapper swerve while their loved pooch shifted position or temporarily blocked their vision. It is just plain ol' common sense that this cannot be safe.

Bob wanted to do this and was persistent about it. I had to leave him "on" his leash and tie it to the passenger arm rest area with just enough lead so that he "could not" reach me in the driver's seat. I did this until he eventually stopped trying. Now he is well behaved and sits over on the passenger side.

IMO, it is simply not a good idea to have your pooch on your lap while you are driving and drinking a coke, smoking a cigarette while talking to your friend on your cell phone!!!!

07-24-2006, 12:37 PM
I did when KOng (lab) was smalled now that he is getting bigger he goes in his crate

07-24-2006, 12:46 PM
No, I think it's unsafe. What if your in an accident? If an airbag can kill a human it can certainly kill a dog, especially a small breed. The dog can also jump down by the brake area and cause the accident because they will be blocking the brake and you can't reach it so it'll cause an accident I'm sure. I know I would never try it.

07-24-2006, 12:49 PM
personally, I don't think it's a good idea. .what if the dog came up and gave you a kiss while you were driving? it's unsafe for the dog and the driver..so it's not okay in my book. It's just an accident waiting to happen..plus the dog could lose its' balance and fall out the window if it was small. not a good idea at all IMO. when my mom is driving, Ginger crawls up on my mom's lap, but we make her get down.

07-24-2006, 01:00 PM
No, I think it's unsafe. What if your in an accident? If an airbag can kill a human it can certainly kill a dog.


critter crazy
07-24-2006, 01:05 PM
I am glad to see that i am not the only one who thinks this is dangerous!! It just dosent amke any sence to me as to why people do this?? I wouldnt do this with my child nor my dog!!

07-24-2006, 01:42 PM
I asked my friend who is a highway patrol about his when I first got bubba...she said officers would ticket someone for this.

07-24-2006, 01:44 PM

My mom is guilty of doing this with Kyra. She doesn't allow her to stick her head out the window though, and most of the time Kyra curls up on her lap and goes to sleep. Shes relatively small, so I don't really see it as a huge problem. However, when I'm driving I do not allow it, I don't even let them sit in the front seat, its too risky.

07-24-2006, 02:28 PM
I don't agree with it. It could be dangerous, and it's very unsafe for both driver and dog. Anything could happen... better safe then sorry.

07-24-2006, 04:31 PM
I don't think it's safe at all. What if the dog lost it's balance and fell out the window, acidentally made you jerk your hands the wrong way on the steering wheel, etc...there are so many unsafe reasons!

07-24-2006, 04:34 PM
It just doesn't seem safe. Britney Spears did that with her baby, NO CAR SEAT !!! :eek:

If it's not safe to be done with regular babies, it's not safe to be done with OUR babies. :rolleyes:

07-24-2006, 04:35 PM
I voted no. What do you think would happen when you suddenly have
to brake hard to avoid anything in the road, or another car? A small dog
would most likely be injured & I would not trust a bigger dog on the drivers
seat at all. Much too dangerous I think.

07-24-2006, 07:47 PM
a lot of people do it around here too. with smaller dogs that fit in their laps. Gracie always stays in the back seat with the windows UP. beanie gets the front seat because he automaticly lays down and hangs on for dear life. :rolleyes: my grandma's shih tzu sits in my grandpa's lap when he drives the truck she's well behaved, but i still tell them it's too dangerous. a man actually just had a car accident not too long ago because his dog jumped on his lap.

07-24-2006, 07:57 PM
Nope, don't do it.. and thankfully I don't see very many people who do. I think it's one of the dumbest things you can do while driving. The dog can get killed if you get in an accident, get something blown into its eye, move the steering wheel, move the shifter, or if it's small enough, it can hop onto the floor and get in the way of the accelerator and/or brake pedal. I don't see why people can't leave their dog in the back (or ideally, a crate) while they're driving.. is it so hard to do? :confused: