View Full Version : Teddy is favouring his foot now :(

07-18-2006, 11:24 AM
I don't know if it was just the bandage that was bugging him or if his foot is sore but he was favouring it this morning. He kept licking at the bandage (he usually doesn't bother with it) and was kind of limping a little bit. I have since rewrapped and cleaned the paw and he is sleeping right now. If he is still in some pain later on is there something I can do for him or give him to help take some of it away? He hasn't favoured it at all since it happened until this morning. i feel bad for my poor baby boy.

07-18-2006, 01:05 PM
Aww, poor Teddy.
I'm pretty sure there is something you can give him, though I can't think of what it was... maybe someone else can remember?
Either way, I hope your boy gets to feeling better! :)

07-18-2006, 01:55 PM
I would check with your vet. Most pain meds make you feel better therefore they may cause Teddy to be more active and cause more harm than good, especially so in this case as it his leg that is sore & he does not need to be active.
As long as he isn't in a lot of pain I would probably wait it out.

Did the vet say if it is ok to apply neosporin to the wound to help it heal faster?

07-18-2006, 02:10 PM
I would check with your vet. Most pain meds make you feel better therefore they may cause Teddy to be more active and cause more harm than good, especially so in this case as it his leg that is sore & he does not need to be active.
As long as he isn't in a lot of pain I would probably wait it out.

Did the vet say if it is ok to apply neosporin to the wound to help it heal faster?

He doesn't seem to be favouring it so much now that I changed the bandage. The vet didn't put him on any pain meds, just antibiotics.

Yes, the vet also put a neosporin type product on his foot when he wrapped it and said to put some on whenever we change the bandage so I put a big glop of it on today.

it is starting to heal so maybe it's just itchy and thats why it's bugging him.

Lori Jordan
07-18-2006, 02:44 PM
Aww poor pup,I'm wishing him a speedy recovery,I feel bad when my guys are sick or even hurt for that matter,They can never tell us what exactly is bothering them.

07-18-2006, 03:19 PM
Aaaawwww...poor Teddy. I would call the vet. They didn't give you one of those satellite collars so he wouldn't lick or scratch his bandages?

07-18-2006, 03:24 PM
Aaaawwww...poor Teddy. I would call the vet. They didn't give you one of those satellite collars so he wouldn't lick or scratch his bandages?

No. He doesn't usually bother with the bandages. But I really think the bandage is what the problem was. Now that I have a new one on there he hasn't messed with it since and doesn't seem to be favouring it anymore. I think maybe the bandage shifted and was pulling at the wound a bit.

i will keep an eye on him and if he starts favouring it again I will call the vet. he has an appt on the 25th anyway but if it gets worse I will take him sooner.