View Full Version : Prayers need for Two Socks...injured horse *ANOTHER UPDATE* 7-24-06

Toby's my baby
07-17-2006, 09:07 PM
I've mentioned this in a couple different posts, but I wanted to make a thread for Two Socks. She was severly injured Saturday at a horse show.

On Saturday, Matt was working with Two Socks, but she was acting up, so he tied her up away from the other horses to hopefully calm her down. He turned his back for a moment, and she broke her halter and got loose. All around her, there was police caution tape up, to keep people out. The tape surely reminded her of the fence at home, so she followed it until she found an open spot. She found the spot between a running generator on a camper, and the hitch of a fifth wheel trailor. Two Socks was terrified of the generator, but she wanted to get back to her buddies in the barn..she ran for it. The hitch sliced her right shoulder like butter. Matt watched the whole thing, while he caught his limping horse, with blood POORING out of her. The cut was 9 inches long, and about 2-3 inches deep. There was actual muscle from her shoulder, hanging on the hitch. :( After hearing about it, I didn't want to check it out, because I was sure it wasn't a horse I knew, and I didn't want to cause a big crowd and frighten the horse more. I poked my head around a trailor, and saw two of my friends grabbing rags and running to the stall. I raced over, and saw the worst cut in my life. Two Socks was bleeding out, and her whole leg was red with blood. She was very calm, and they got her into another horses stall. It took the vet 30 min. to get there, and when he did, he sewed her up. All day (about 15 hours) I stayed by Two Socks side, along with her "dad" and another close friend. Matt (Two Socks' "dad") was very upset, with all the question he had to repeatidly answer. On Sunday morning, he was in a much better mood. I asked him why, and he said, "Because my girl made it through the night." I almost burst into tears. I can't imagin being in his possition.

I'm sorry to make a long thread about this, but horses are very close to my heart, and I know a lot of other PT'ers too, so I was hoping for some prayers for Two Socks' safe recovery. I will try to update this thread when possible, so please check back!

UPDATE 7-24-06
I had a horse show yesterday with Matt, Two Socks' owner. He said that she got an infection a while ago, but it started draining on Saturday. She is walking now, without a limp, but still can't trot or anything like that. She is making good progress, and will hopefully heal fast and healthy :)

UPDATE 7-21-06:
I just got off the phone with Matt, and I asked how she was doing. He said "She's dieing" and I FLIPPED. He was only joking though. She is ok, but is definently still a 'three legged horse'. I'll get you a better update of her hopefully on Sunday, since Matt (her owner) will be riding at the show with me.

Thank you everyone for your prayers, I really appreciate it!

07-17-2006, 09:15 PM
My thoughts and prayers for Two Socks and all who love this horse.

Please, keep us updated. :(

07-17-2006, 09:47 PM
I'll be keeping Two Socks and Matt in my thoughts. :(

I'll be checking this thread for updates.

07-17-2006, 10:21 PM
Thoughts headed for Two Socks. :( :(

Please update us when you can.

07-17-2006, 10:50 PM
They will both be in our prayers, poor, poor Two Socks.

07-17-2006, 11:04 PM
Prayers for Two Socks. I have seen horses get some horrific injuries and they heal wonderfully so I'm sure she will be just fine.

07-17-2006, 11:32 PM
Ill give alot of prayers towards this horse. :(

Suki Wingy
07-18-2006, 02:47 PM
good vibes coming her way!

07-18-2006, 03:13 PM
Good thoughts and prayers on the way for Two Socks and Matt. I can't imagine being involved in such a situation. :(

07-20-2006, 05:14 PM
I've had her in my prayers since I saw her...How is she doing? I hope the wound is healing.

Steph and the crew

Toby's my baby
07-21-2006, 07:38 PM
I just got off the phone with Matt, and I asked how she was doing. He said "She's dieing" and I FLIPPED. He was only joking though. She is ok, but is definently still a 'three legged horse'. I'll get you a better update of her hopefully on Sunday, since Matt (her owner) will be riding at the show with me.

Thank you everyone for your prayers, I really appreciate it!

07-22-2006, 04:53 PM
Please, no more jokes like that one!!! :eek:

I will check on Two Sock's thread later . ;) I hope he'f feeling a lot better today. Poor Two Socks!!!

07-22-2006, 05:26 PM
Happy he is doing better.I will keep him in my prayers

Toby's my baby
07-24-2006, 12:19 PM
UPDATE 7-24-06
I had a horse show yesterday with Matt, Two Socks' owner. He said that she got an infection a while ago, but it started draining on Saturday. She is walking now, without a limp, but still can't trot or anything like that. She is making good progress, and will hopefully heal fast and healthy :)