View Full Version : Sam the husky - a neglect case needing prayers

07-17-2006, 05:22 PM
Warning: This post is somewhat graphic, however, I tried not to go into unnecessary detail.
If you scoop a litterbox, pick up doggie doo or clean up any other type of fecal matter you should probably be able to stomach it. ;)

Sam the husky needs PT prayers. This adult dog was forcibly removed by our local humane society from his "owner’s care" thanks to the efforts of concerned neighbors. This action was catalyzed by many, many individual complaints filed over months (and even years, I think) by concerned local animal lovers.

Sam was tied up outside without food and water for extended periods, never bathed, never walked, COVERED in ticks and fleas...and worst of all had an untreated prolapsed rectum for who knows how long. The dog could not properly defecate! Thankfully for him concerned neighbors filled his water bowl, fed him and gave him attention whenever they could. Without them, he would not have made it to this point. I think he weighs around 40-something lbs., but should probably weigh closer to 60-65.

He had surgery last Thursday, July 13. However, his recovery is not going as smoothly as we had hoped. He still is not properly defecating and the techs have to manually remove stool. It is very painful for him and Sam absolutely hates it. :( Also, although he is eating very well, he is not steadily gaining weight.

When a serious condition such as this remains untreated for so long, the chance for complete recovery is much reduced. :( I have never seen such an extensive prolapse in an adult dog, and I'm sure it is more serious and difficult to treat than in a puppy. I am beginning to feel very worried about Sam's long term prognosis. :(

Sam is lucky in that he already has an adoptive family ready to take him in and pay for his surgery. Some costs were covered by the humane society as well. His family visits often and they are still hopeful. :)

I just wanted to tell his story in the hopes that Sam could receive some of those powerful Pet Talk prayers and vibes. I am sorry that I do not have a picture to share at this time.

Thank you, Pet Talk.

07-17-2006, 06:03 PM
Good luck Sam, you deserve every chance. Sending prayers to you that you will heal and experience the love you so deserve. Don't give up Sam.

07-17-2006, 10:13 PM
Lots and lots of prayers & healing vibes going out for Sam. And bless all of you for your efforts to give Sam a chance at a happy life, poor guy. Will the original owner be prosecuted for neglect?

07-18-2006, 03:23 AM
Will the original owner be prosecuted for neglect?
I am not sure, but I think I was told that because they surrendered the animal, they will not be prosecuted. So perhaps not a fair outcome, but Sam's future is the focus. I don't think Hawaii is very 'tough' on animal abusers. I have only ever seen/heard news stories about major hoarders being prosecuted. Dog fighting and cock fighting are both rather culturally popular, and a lot of times the police themselves are in on the gambling related to these so-called "sports". :(

Today was insanely busy with a few emergencies and only one vet working, so I did not get a very detailed Sam update. He ate for me and took his meds like a good boy. I overheard the doctor talking to his new guardians and he said that the techs were still manually removing stool. He did poop for me, but just a tiny amount after much straining - and that is really no improvement. The surgery site looks a bit better, some healing is happening in that regard.

Anyway, I hope to have a better update after Wednesday. That is when I work next and the doctor who did Sam's surgery will be working as well.

On a positive note...I have noticed a bit of a 'happy trot' develop in Sam's step during his time at the clinic. He gets taken out to the yard as often as possible, and you can tell he revels in getting that special attention. So imagine this silly looking husky - shaved rear and tail, with a little pompom of fur left at the tip of his tail - trotting happily in front of you with the cutest little spring in his step...that is Sam. He really makes me smile. :)

Keep the prayers coming! Thanks much! :)

07-18-2006, 08:12 AM
OMG! The poor thing!!!
Many, Many prayers are headed Sam's way for a speedy and full recovery!

07-18-2006, 08:36 AM
Kater, I will definitely keep Sam in my prayers. That list is getting WAAAAAYYY too long at this point.

Keep us posted, please. I'm so glad he has a loving family waiting for him. Dogs are so resilient. They know love when they see it, I guess.


07-18-2006, 10:43 AM
prayers are commin! this is so sad! i hate seeing any dog neglected, but a sibe! :( i'm glad he has a family wanting to adopt him and willing to pay for vet bills.

07-18-2006, 11:46 AM
It's a damn shame that it took so long to start real care for this poor
pup.If it took months maybe years to get the dog away from a neglectful
owner, than there's something wrong with the existing law or the humane
society. Sam does have my strong prayers for a recovery. He certainly
deserves a good life.