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07-13-2006, 08:29 PM
i must always have my dogs' nails trimmed! it's always irritated me when i see long doggie toenails. it's wierd, but i bet i trim nails atleast once a week. :o i also am really picky about the dogs eating from clean bowls. i wash their bowl every day right after their done eating.

do you do anything wierd like this?

Lori Jordan
07-13-2006, 08:40 PM
Im obsessive as you,Nails are done every Monday food bowls and water dishes are washed everyday after being used,The water buckets are brought in every night and washed im also a clean freak.so maybe that is why im like that in my house,garden nothing is ever out of place it will drive me crazy!There is nothing wrong with the way you do things your just a responsible pet owner,and take there needs i know i would not eat off a dirty plate neither should they!

07-13-2006, 08:45 PM
I do nails and trim feet once a week -- if there is one thing I can't stand, it's untrimmed feet lol.

07-13-2006, 08:48 PM
I wish i could be like you guys Mercedes nails are so tough we have to pay the vet to do them. he even has a hard time, shes broken MANY clippers!! I wish I could do them myself its so much easier and they would be doen more often :(

Lori Jordan
07-13-2006, 08:50 PM
My Maggy is the same way,i orderd the clippers of the net they cost about fifty bucks,but well worth it,her nails are tough and they crumble when i cut them.

07-13-2006, 08:54 PM
I wish I could cut Payson's nails that often. His are usually long because he is afraid to leave the house so we can't take him to the groomers. We have a friend who is a groomer that will come over to the house and clip his nails but he freaks out and starts to hyperventilate so we don't do it very often.

07-13-2006, 09:17 PM
I so wish I could clip my boys nails once every week, but they won't allow me. Frisk is terribly afraid we'll hit the quick (it happened a few times when he was really young), and Ethan has NEVER allowed us to clip his nails... so they both have to go to the vet.
The cats get their nails clipped once a week, though.

07-13-2006, 10:19 PM
Not weird at all. i clean Logan's water dish at least 3x a day and always her food dish before and after a meal. Nails are a different story. Hers look pretty good. She won't let me touch them so the vet does them every 3 months and she's fine. I keep a watchful eye out on them, and so far, so good, nothing ugly or horrible.

07-13-2006, 10:23 PM
Gee, I wish I was a clean freak! Well, Roxy's terrified of having her nails trimmed, and she walks on them constantly, so they usually stay down pretty well. Lily doesn't get hers trimmed as often as she should since I do it myself.

07-13-2006, 10:58 PM
I'm definitely the same. Gonzo wears his own nails down because he goes on a jog with my sister on dirt/road trails every day, but I still clean them and clip off any chipped pieces all the time to keep them healthy. I do Fozzie's all the time, to keep them short and to get him accustomed to nail clipping.

They get a lot of meals outside, when it's RMB's. But if it's pre-made or muscle meat/organs or veggies, I totally clean out their bowls right when they are done also.

07-13-2006, 11:58 PM
not weird at all..I hate when my 2's nails are long , i try and keep them pretty short..I also wash their bowls after they eat, its a habit

07-14-2006, 12:00 AM
I'm the same way about nails. I can't stand seeing long nails re hearing the "click, click, click" constantly. I also can't stand untrimmed paws, ears, etc. on long coated breeds. Actually, I don't like to see any dog that isn't groomed nicely.

My dogs dishes get washed daily also, sometimes twice depending on how dirty they get them.

Suki Wingy
07-14-2006, 12:06 AM
I know a lot of people like to keep the nails short but I probably clip them 3 times a year. :p

07-14-2006, 07:41 AM
I am that way with their bowls & cleaning their ears & giving them baths, i try to clip their toes once a week, but its not always easy, thats the one thing they both HATE! lol

But i can say my dogs have the cleanest ears ever!!!

07-14-2006, 08:17 AM
I can't stand long nails, I am constantly trimming nails, usually once a week, except for Raustyk, her nails grow so fast for some reason, she often needs hers done every 5 days or so. I usually trim their feet hair once a week on Nanook and about once every other week on Kaige. Raustyk doesn't need hers done, she's short hair.

I hate matts & never had a dog with that problem before, that is until I got Kaige. The hair under his ears matts up kind of easily so he gets brushed everyday.

Eye boogers, I hate them. I wipe my dogs eyes everytime I see even the slightest eye booger. I also can not stand eye stains, knock on wood I have never had that problem.