View Full Version : A Few Questions About Bettas

07-12-2006, 06:04 PM
Great news, everyone! My mom is being soo... mean (LOL) and she wouldn't let me get a betta at the pet store because she said they are too dirty and too much work :rolleyes: But she wouldn't even know I had the betta because I'd be the one taking care of it, but she still said no. Well, my dad said he'd by me a filter for my tank and I could a betta! And my mom agreed with that. Yay! I've had bettas before, but still need help with a couple questions.

-How many should I have in a 10 gallon tank?
-Will males fight with females?

I might come up with some other questions a little bit later.


07-12-2006, 06:09 PM
No males in the same tank as other males.
No males and females together.
Some females can be with other females.

07-12-2006, 06:21 PM
Exactly what Zippy said. Absolutely no males with other males, and absolutely no males with females.
There have been many people very successful with housing females together, and I'll be doing so in less than two weeks.
Basically, 4-6 females can fit in a ten gallon, but don't expect them all to get along... and you'll probably have to take a female out to have her housed by herself if she is too aggressive. You must have many, many hiding places, so the less-dominant females can hide when other females are picking on them.
Good luck!

07-12-2006, 06:25 PM
Thanks. Do you think I should just have one male?

07-12-2006, 07:28 PM
Thats completely up to you. My males vary completely on how they like to be housed. Some like smaller housing, such as a 2.5 gallon... and if I put them in a larger tank, they seem upset(even if I give them several weeks to get used to it). Others are perfectly fine in a larger tank.
Most, though, would be absolutely thrilled to have a 10 gallon tank.
Alot of males don't like filters that well, but in a ten gallon, a filter should be okay as long as the current isn't very strong, and as long as he has plenty of plants and decor that will soften the current.