View Full Version : Jake has gone to a new home!

critter crazy
07-12-2006, 10:06 AM
Jake went to a new home last week, Actually it was the home he originally came from, he is now back with his mom. Over the past month we have had problems with him. Unfortunately he was trying to kill all of our small animals. He managed to kill one of my chickens, and attempted to kill at least 4 more. He also attmpted to kill my rabbit, he broke through her cage, but she managed to get away and hid under the sofa. I tried to work wth him for weeks! He would break through our fenced in yard to get to the chickens. He also was able to slip out of any collar or harness i had him in. His prey drive was just too much for me. So I decided after many weeks to contact my firend whom I got him from, and he decided he would love to have him. So Jake has a new home, back with his mom and three girls to play with all day long. He is very happy and so is his new family. I hate that I had to place him in a new home, but I believe it was for the best!


07-12-2006, 11:22 AM
What kind of dog is Jake? He looks like a Lab in the picture. Is he a Lab?

Well at least he is happy and I guess that's all that matters. Sorry he killed your chickens.

07-12-2006, 11:40 AM
Yeah, I don't think you can train prey-drive out of a dog. You can work to inhibit it, but it sounds like that would be a 24-7 job with Jake. I'm sure all your other animals will let out a sigh of relief!

07-12-2006, 11:44 AM
I'm very sorry you had to rehome Jake. I remember what a lil' cutie he was when you first got him. At least he is in a home where he will still be happy and your other animals I'm sure are happy to not have a big dog chasing them.

07-12-2006, 11:45 AM
That's very strange that a Lab had such a high prey drive. Labs are usually very good with all animals and people.

Good luck to Jake and I'm sorry you had to make that decision.

critter crazy
07-12-2006, 12:33 PM
I was so distraught having to make that decision, but hubby helped me through it. Yes Jake was a Black lab, he was just 5 months old. I have never met a Lab myself, with such a high prey drive either! I didnt get it! I would have thought My bloodhound would have a higher prey drive than the lab! Duke lets the bunny and the chickens walk up to him and he just lays there and wags his tail!! My chickens seem to realize that Jake is gone, they are happier and are not so skittish anymore! Duke seemed depressed the first couple of days after Jake was gone, but we gave him tons of extra attention, and he seems back to his normal self!:)

07-12-2006, 01:09 PM
I'm sorry you had to get rid of him, but why did his old owners get rid of him in the first place? I think you did the right thing, though. Wondering about the old owners though... :confused:

07-12-2006, 01:17 PM
You did what was best for you and him. You should be very proud of making this decision because it was the best choice for you and for the sake of your little critters.((hugs))
RIP little chicken. :(

critter crazy
07-12-2006, 01:32 PM
I'm sorry you had to get rid of him, but why did his old owners get rid of him in the first place? I think you did the right thing, though. Wondering about the old owners though... :confused:

I got Jake because his mom had 8 puppies, and obviously they couldnt keep all of them. They ended up placing all of the puppies, so when I called to tell them I was looking to place Jake in a new home, they jumped at the chance to take him. They had inteneded to keep one of the puppies from the litter, but had more people than they expected to take them so they ended up placing them all. So Jake is back home with his mom and is doing very well. They have no small animals and have a very nice back yard for him and him mom to play in, Plus he gets to go visit his owners, fathers farm, to see cows! They are gonna take that one slow, to make sure he dosent try anything crazy with a 1200lb cow!!:) but if he gets along with the cows okay he will have over a hundred acres to play on!! he should be fine with the cows, he never bothered my horses!

07-12-2006, 01:43 PM
I got Jake because his mom had 8 puppies, and obviously they couldnt keep all of them. They ended up placing all of the puppies, so when I called to tell them I was looking to place Jake in a new home, they jumped at the chance to take him. They had inteneded to keep one of the puppies from the litter, but had more people than they expected to take them so they ended up placing them all. So Jake is back home with his mom and is doing very well. They have no small animals and have a very nice back yard for him and him mom to play in, Plus he gets to go visit his owners, fathers farm, to see cows! They are gonna take that one slow, to make sure he dosent try anything crazy with a 1200lb cow!!:) but if he gets along with the cows okay he will have over a hundred acres to play on!! he should be fine with the cows, he never bothered my horses!

Oh, okay. :)