View Full Version : Half Blind robin baby. *More pics*

07-10-2006, 09:01 PM
Today I found this little Guy/girl woundering around the streets and people just staring and saying how cute it is well I didnt do that I picked this robin baby up to see why it was on the ground.Well it seems one eyes is blind becase when I shake my hand on that side it does not react but on the other it does and also its white In the middle.

I took it home and fed him/her some yummy food and after that it explored.

The blind eye.


07-10-2006, 09:04 PM
What are you going to do with it? With one blind eye I can see it succombing to predation very easily.

07-10-2006, 09:09 PM
Im not shur It can not be released with that eye because it wont be able to fly properly so I may call the wilflife centre and ask what they think but if the eye was fine I would release the robin later on like I do with most baby birds.

I may end up keeping this robin dont want anything bad to happen to it.

07-10-2006, 09:36 PM
poor bird! s/he is really cute! it's so great that you help all these birds! :D

07-10-2006, 10:31 PM
Poor bird! I'm glad you too her in, she's sure cute! So, you're keeping her?

07-11-2006, 09:38 AM
S/he won't be able to see worms with one side either. Robins don't find food by hearing, they tilt their heads to see with their eyes- which are on the sides of their head.

07-11-2006, 03:48 PM
Let me know what the wildlife center has to say. I hope the best for that beautiful bird!!!! Our State Bird of course!!!!!

I've never known any one to keep a Robin. Considering it's blind eye, your finding him/her was a blessing!!!!! I'd like to hear more about this Robin as time goes on. More pictures please :)

07-11-2006, 04:20 PM
Let me know what the wildlife center has to say. I hope the best for that beautiful bird!!!! Our State Bird of course!!!!!

I've never known any one to keep a Robin. Considering it's blind eye, your finding him/her was a blessing!!!!! I'd like to hear more about this Robin as time goes on. More pictures please :)

Well right now I have not phoned them but so far this robin is ok and doing great the other robin jack has also grown alot and can eat on his own.

Ill get some pics of both Jack and this half blind robin later. :)

07-11-2006, 05:06 PM
I think you should name the new one Batman. Batman the Robin. Yes I do have an odd sense of humor. :D

07-11-2006, 10:51 PM
Well right now I have not phoned them but so far this robin is ok and doing great the other robin jack has also grown alot and can eat on his own.

Ill get some pics of both Jack and this half blind robin later. :)
Oh, Thank-You so much, That would be great because I do want you to keep the Little Blind Robin anyway. ;)

07-11-2006, 10:53 PM
I think you should name the new one Batman. Batman the Robin. Yes I do have an odd sense of humor. :D
Or, instead of Puss N' Boots, she might call it, Rob N' Boots!!! :D

She will no doubt give this bird a wonderful name!!!!!

07-11-2006, 10:57 PM
Poor little guy/girl.

07-12-2006, 02:30 PM
It sorta looks from the picture like it has a cataract in that eye? Or at least one of my rats that had cataracts, when you took a pic of him, his eye had that grey looking area in his eye.


07-12-2006, 08:01 PM
Ok I got somemore pics and I plan on keeping the little Guy/girl safe with me since it wont be able to fly properly or eat in the wild.

So lets start with Jack my first robin I got and he shur has grown alot.




Now the other half blind and I do need to think of a name for this robin lol.





Oh and I threw In a pic of Bearclaw and Im sorry to say but her brother Windigo had flown off I hope he is safe but if he returns Ill say so.

07-12-2006, 08:08 PM
Oh forgot this one.


07-12-2006, 09:54 PM

Your pictures are so fascinating !!!!

I was so excited when I saw you had up-dated your post!

Thank-You for allowing us to meet Jack. You are so darned lucky Girl!!!

And, feeding the little blind Robin, AHHHHHHHH!!! a splendid shot.

Yes, You must get to know her better so you can give her a name.

I've come up with just a few, if she were mine that is.





She was certainly the highlight of my Day !!!

07-14-2006, 08:50 PM
Im sorry to have to say this but Today I found the baby robin dead on the bottum of the cage for what reason he died I dont know.

I fed it the same time as jack and gave it fresh water but it just did not make it maybe its nest was high and it fell down I dunno Im so sad this has happened. :(

Rest In peace little one.

Jack is ok thoe and jumps around very healthy.

07-15-2006, 07:05 PM
Oh, That is so awful!!!

I feel bad too, because I wanted to learn what you named this little Robin.

I'm so sorry that you lost that dear little blind bird. Her pictures were very wonderful to look at.

I remember watching a nest of cardinals from my bedroom window. I took pictures of the parents building the nest, then pictures of the eggs, on and on , until the eggs hatched. It was during a very HOT June, and , one by one the fledgings left the nest . I was so disapointed to learn that all of them died. It made me feel so sad.

Rest in Peace Little Robin :(