View Full Version : Teddy got hurt

07-09-2006, 05:06 PM
Aww my poor puppy got hurt today. We took him down to the river for a swim and we were there for a little while playing and swimming. Then he came back up to the shore holding up his back foot but he wasn't crying or anything. I brought him up out of the water and Blood was gushing from his foot. I, of course, freaked out and started screaming for my husband to come help. There was blood everywhere.

So we took him to the emergency vets. :mad: what a waste. we waited for an hour before anyone saw us and then the vet didn't even look at his injured foot. Someone had come in before to bandage it. He didn't look at it at all, he just asked us where it was and decided that Teddy needed stitches and that he would have to be put under to do it and it was going to cost $700 bucks and then he left. :eek: He didn't give us any other option at all. Quite the diagnosis for not even seeing the wound. So we asked the nurse if there was any non surgical way to treat it (it really isn't that bad) and she said yes and told us they would take him in the back and clean it out and give him some antibiotics. This was going to cost $400. So we said sure. She then said "ok when we have some time we will come get him" we waited for another half hour to 45 minutes and no word from anyone. We were quite P.O.'d by this time. So we just told them to give him the antibiotic shot and we would take care of the rest. My husband was an EMT for a little while so we took him home cleaned the wound really well and bandaged it back up. He will be going to see his regular vet tomorrow.

I was and still am so angry at that place. No one even LOOKED at the wound. They just started throwing dollar figures around starting with the most expensive procedure they could think of. Now if my dog were in dire need, of COURSE I would spend any amount of money on him but it really isn't that bad and I really felt like we were being taken for a ride. Just for them to bandage it with a bit of gauze cost 32.00.

But Teddy is home now and his foot doesn't seem to be bothering him at all. It's wrapped up and he is asleep. Hopefully the vet tomorrow can make him more comfortable

07-09-2006, 05:13 PM
poor Teddy. :( what kind of vets are they if they didn't look at the wound? :confused: that's BS! :mad: give him a hug for me, please. hugs to you and Teddy!

07-09-2006, 05:18 PM
aww poor teddy boy :( ...the EM vets by me are the same way :mad:

07-09-2006, 05:19 PM
Aw, poor Teddy! I hope he's ok at the vets Tommorow!! Be sure to update it for us. I hope that poor baby is ok. I would have been mad to. I don't think you would need surgical treatment from the way you make it sound. Now you know not to go there agian.

07-09-2006, 09:55 PM
Aww poor guy :( What kinds of vets are they!? :mad: Give him a hug for me.

07-10-2006, 10:50 AM
Thanks everyone.

We can't get into the vets office until tomorrow morning at 11 am. In the meantime we are putting antiseptic stuff on it and keeping it wrapped in gauze. he is being very good about it. he does not chew at the bandage at all so that helps. I know he is in pain today. He's not really limping but I can tell he is favouring it and he's being a big sucky and sleeping in the bed with me (which he never does. he likes his own space).

Is there anything I can do to help the pain in the meantime?

07-10-2006, 10:55 AM
aww poor guy! I can't believe the vets treated you that way :( Are there any other vets in the area that might be better with you guys about this? Sounds like a lot of money to clean it up and give antibiotics :eek: Hope Teddy's feeling better soon!

07-10-2006, 11:21 AM
Also, any ideas on how to keep him busy for the next few weeks? He won't be able to play and he's already going nuts lol. What can I do to keep him entertained in place of running around.

07-10-2006, 11:35 AM
Do you have a kong? Lots of dogs like those, they tend to keep them entertained. I'll have to try to think of other ideas too....

07-10-2006, 11:58 AM
Poor Teddy. I hope he heals up real soon.

07-10-2006, 03:04 PM
Thanks for all the well wishes.

We do have a kong but Teddy is a kong master lol. No matter what we put it in he can get it out in a few minutes. If I keep stuffing it I'm gonna end up with a fat doggy :D but that will definately help fill in the gaps.

07-11-2006, 09:29 AM
well we are on our way to the vets in a couple of minutes. Teddy from 4 am to 6 am. he wanted to come into the bed with us. LOL we just moved so the bed is very small but he is hurt so we let him up there for a little while. I even went out on the couch so he could have my half of the bed and my hubby could still sleep before work. Well apparently it wasn't good enough if I wasn't in the room too. So I went back in and curled up in a tiny little ball so Teddy would have some space lol. Finally when he got tired again he went back out to the couch to sleep.

he is favouring the foot quite a bit today and has been messing with the bandage which he doesn't usually do. I hope the vet can give us something to make him more comfortable.

07-11-2006, 09:35 AM
Good luck at the vets today.

07-11-2006, 01:20 PM
Thanks :D

We are back from the vets and Teddy is doing well. It was our first visit to a new vet and he was wonderful. Teddy really liked him too.

He said that the wound didn't require stitches and he thought it was ridiculous that the emergency vet said it did and wanted to charge us $700 bucks for it. He just put some goop on it, wrapped it back up and gave us some antibiotics. he said that Teddy has to stay off of it for a few weeks likely but other than that he would be fine as long as he takes the antibiotics.

Now all thats left is to get through the next few weeks without exercising him lol. We go back for a follow up on july 25th

07-11-2006, 01:30 PM
Whew that's a relief! I thought the $700 sounded extreme too, so I'm glad to know that you found another vet. Now be a good boy Teddy!

07-11-2006, 02:04 PM
Thats great news!!!
Some vets, especially emergency ones are out for the money only it seems. Too bad you had to experience that.

Be good boy Teddy and stay relaxed the next few weeks.

07-11-2006, 02:21 PM
I'm just seeing this now; Poor Teddy! I'm glad to hear that its not as serious as the Emergency Vet said it was. I bet he already can't wait to be out and running again!

07-11-2006, 06:43 PM
Poor Teddy! I'm sure it will be tough not exercising. Sorry about the emergency vets - that is horrible.

07-11-2006, 06:52 PM
well so far so good. he has been very tired tonight. He was pretty excited on the way to the vets though. I'm pretty sure he thought we were going to the dog park. Poor guy. When he took the bandage off today it already looked much better. I also see it wasn't just a cut but more like a little flap was sliced a bit. The vet said it definately was not worth putting stitches in as it was very small and the stitches would probably just come out anyway.

I can tell it is sore though cause as soon as the vet went to touch his foot he pulled it up towards him and was very nervous while he was wrapping it. The vet laughed after because he took a blood test for heartworm and what not (all came back negative) and Teddy didn't even flinch when he took the blood. He thought it was funny that bandaging his foot was so horrible that Teddy gave him "the look". Such a sad face lol but with the needle he didn't even notice. :D

Thanks all for the well wishes. I think he is feeling better already

07-11-2006, 11:27 PM
Oops, sorry I'm late on this.. Glad Mr Ted is doing better! Had to laugh at the mental picture of Teddy giving "The Look" while having his footsie wrapped, but not a budge with the needle. Sounds so much like my Logan, whose feet are "Out of Bounds!" You had asked about pain meds.. I always (per the vet) used Ascripton, which is pure aspirin coated with Maalox. Tylenol is a no no but this did the trick.

Good Luck..sure is hard to keep a good dog down! Been there ..whew...I learned I have no active imagination! :D

07-12-2006, 10:12 AM
Well I have learned the trick to keeping Teddy off his foot. Kick his daddy out of the house :p hehe. Last night my husband had hockey and worked during the day so he didn't come home till around 11:30 and the whole day and the whole night Teddy just slept or lay beside me or chew on a toy. He was wonderful. Then Daddy came home and all h*ll broke loose lol. Teddy was a maniac lol he was zooming around the house and jumping on the couch and clobbering daddy lol. I said to my husband "you made him this way YOU deal with it :D " HAHA

Such a goofy dog I have.