View Full Version : Kari attack the kitten once

07-08-2006, 08:54 PM
Her Frankie still hasn't come back. They still have the kitten and she got all the needles for her. Her oldest cat Kari hates other kitties. She has attack the kitten once already. My aunt wants to get rid of Kari to the Humane Society but that was her mother cat. It isn't a good idea and plus she is an older cat, it would be too hard for her to get a home. I think she was abuse before my grandma got her. That is probably why she is the way she is. My aunt will get the kitten spayed and might have to give her to the Humane Society. I don't think it is worth spending all that money to get her fix. There is a chance that she might not get adopted right away. You just never know. I don't want to kitten getting hurt and plus Kari is bigger then her. What do guys think. Any advice, please reply. Thanks!

07-08-2006, 08:56 PM
Unfortunately cats may fight with each other when they are first introduced. If you can take the time to separate them and then gradually introduce them with your supervision things may get each. They will definitely get easier when the kitten is spayed.

Good luck

07-08-2006, 09:51 PM
Kari was my grandma cat, she passed away recently and now my aunt has her. She is 11years old and never live with any cats. I don't think Kari likes other cats and is not use to them. Plus she is older girl which be harder to introduce her to the kitten.

07-09-2006, 09:30 AM
If the introduction is done properly, especially with a kitten, they should get along. If there's a question about who goes to the Humane Society, it SHOULD be the kitten, as it will have a greater chance of getting adopted. Please beg your aunt to try and introduce them the right way. If it does not work out (which it sometimes won't), explain to your aunt that a kitten has a better thance of finding a furrever home as opposed to an 11 year old cat. Besides, the older cat was there first.

07-09-2006, 11:37 AM
That what I was thinking. The kitten for sure would get home but Kari will have a hard time finding a home especially that she is 11 years. Her other cat Molly is young adult and she has no problem with the kitten. Kari was my grandma and I think she should keep her.

Laura's Babies
07-09-2006, 06:13 PM
Tell your aunt to remember, Grandma loved Kari, she was a faithful companion to her for all those years, was there for her when everybody else went on with their life. She has lost her human and deserves better than to be dumped at some shelter to live out the rest of her life in a cage.

My mother died in 1999 and my sister STILL has Mama's kitty Boo. When my sister got sick and it looked like she may have to rehome all her pets, I was going to take Boo.. As long as we have Boo, there is still a connection to Mama, something she loved and Boo loved her back. Boo is the reason Mama didn't die as fast as they had said she would. Taking Boo to a shelter has NEVER been thought about.

07-09-2006, 10:27 PM
That what my mom told her sister to keep Kari, that was her mom cat. She said that if you love mom then you should love Kari. I think my aunt should get that kitten up since she is younger and more likely to get home right away. Kari will go nuts being lock in a cage and she has been through alot in her life. That isn't fair to her. I just hope my aunt does the right think and also she was there before she found the little kitten. I will try to keep you updated.