View Full Version : PICS of my Soup

07-03-2006, 01:28 PM
This is Soup, my rabbit. i've had her for about a month now. not sure why i havn't introduced her yet. i guess i was waiting on pics. i know Soup is a wierd name, but it's better than what i was gonna name her. Hassenfeffer(rabbit soup in German) anywo...on with the pics! sorry they are fuzzy. i's hard to get pics of a rabbit that constantly moves!

"hi Mom!"


(EDIT: i don't normally have a bunch of cords lieing around, but my brother hooked up his xbox. Soup isn't much of a chewer anyway.)

07-03-2006, 01:30 PM
Aww, how adorable! :D
All these beautiful rabbits on PT are making me want a rabbit sooo badly.. though I don't plan on actually getting one for quite some time.

07-03-2006, 01:31 PM
I have been waiting for pics of Soup.I love her name i think it is very differnt and i have never met any pet named Soup.I love brown rabbits they are my favorite rabbit color.

07-03-2006, 01:35 PM
I'd not let her around those (or any) cords unsupervised, as ALL rabbits are chewers, because they need to wear down their teeth which grow continually.

What breed is she?

Please change her name! It seems too sad to call a bunny Soup, it would be like naming a calf Hamburger.

Zippy, Miss Hoppy approves of your choice for favorite color of rabbit! ;)

07-03-2006, 02:05 PM
She's quite the little cutie! :D

07-03-2006, 02:07 PM
Aww Soup is such a cutie

07-03-2006, 04:26 PM
Karen, i'm not going to actually turn her into soup. she's just as much a pet as Gracie or Beanie. so i probably won't change her name. i think it's cute. i'm not sure what breed she is. the guy said she was a netherlan dwarf, but i think her ears are too big to be a dwarf...? i would of course never let her out anywhere unsupervised! i put her back in her cage after i was done with the pics. ;)

thanks everyone! i luv my lil bun! :D

Suki Wingy
07-03-2006, 07:54 PM
she looks like quite the explorer! Hm, I think she isn't full ND because her ears are not only too big but they have the wrong shape to be a full ND.

07-04-2006, 03:05 AM
Hi Soup! You're fur looks so soft. Can I cuddle you? :D

07-04-2006, 05:41 AM
LOL.....She's gorgeous. Looks like a cheeky little girl :P

One of my rabbits is a *very* avid chewer, Kip, He got to my network cable and chewed it to BITS :rolleyes: And at the same time got a hold of my sound cable.

Haven't replaced the sound cable yet, but have the network cable. To replace it you have to send it through the walls and up through the vents etc. to hook it up properly, Kip was trailing on my heels the entire time I was fixing it.....Was like he knew exactly what I was up to :rolleyes: Little bugger.

I agree though, don't leave your rabbit around cords unsupervised, it would be a horrible thing for her to shock herself (I dont leave my rabbits around cords, I have the cords blocked off with a fence, but this time Kip had managed to destroy the latch that was holding the fence, and move the fence halfway across the room.) Won't be happening again :rolleyes: :p

She does look like she has dwarf in here, but I don't think she is purebred. Gorgeous either way ;)

07-04-2006, 09:33 AM
Soup is very active. she's always getting into something. following me around the house.

Kip sounds like a little trouble maker.lol

07-04-2006, 06:27 PM
What !!! I never knew you had a lil bun bun!!
I like the name Soup I dont think its bad its not like your gonna turn her into soup. I know someone who named there bunny Sunday dinner but they call him Sunday(someone on a active bunny forum who is very knowlagable and loves her buns) And LOTS of people name there bunnies Stew.
Ted never used to chew wires either well until recently now he chews everything but not when I watch him.
Very cute lil bun:)

07-04-2006, 08:12 PM
What !!! I never knew you had a lil bun bun!!
I like the name Soup I dont think its bad its not like your gonna turn her into soup. I know someone who named there bunny Sunday dinner but they call him Sunday(someone on a active bunny forum who is very knowlagable and loves her buns) And LOTS of people name there bunnies Stew.
Ted never used to chew wires either well until recently now he chews everything but not when I watch him.
Very cute lil bun:)

IMO a name's a name, and as long as the animal is loved unconditionally the name isn't so important, however I see where the other person was coming from. I get quite offended when people look at my rabbits and try to joke "Is that your dinner?"

I mean COME ON I dont joke about eating their DOG :mad: I find it just as horrible to joke about my babies being dinner as many people find it horrible to joke about eating a dog or a cat.

07-04-2006, 09:59 PM
Ew yes I agree about that though.

I take Teddums every where with me and he comes shopping and the odd man will say mm dinner, I just give them a dirty look and say ahha your funny NOT.

07-05-2006, 05:46 PM
What !!! I never knew you had a lil bun bun!!

i've only had her maybe a month. er..since you mentioned Ted, why not post pics of him! he's so dern cute! :D

07-05-2006, 06:02 PM
Aww, Soup is such a cutie! I miss having rabbits.. :(

07-05-2006, 10:43 PM
i've only had her maybe a month. er..since you mentioned Ted, why not post pics of him! he's so dern cute! :DLol I'll try and get some new ones