View Full Version : Aquarium Salt Question

06-21-2006, 08:02 PM
So today I bought some aquarium salt, and I read the directions and it said nothing about where I should put the salt. Do I put it in the filter, in the rocks? It says it won't evaporate or filter out, so I'm confused. :confused: help please

06-21-2006, 08:21 PM
It goes straight into the water^^.
When it says it will not filter out, it means that no matter how many times the water goes throught the filter, it still maintains the aquarium salt.

06-21-2006, 08:24 PM
Thank you so much!!!!

06-21-2006, 09:03 PM
Why did you need aquarium salt?

06-22-2006, 08:16 AM
Why did you need aquarium salt?

It helps fish from getting sick. I use it for my chiclids all the time.. I've run out(its mixed with other chemicals I use in the tanks) & can't afford any due to the 55g blowing up, but not having any wont kill the fish.. but having it keeps them extra healthy.. its good for ALL fish.. also table salt(without a certain chemical, forget what chemical, but my brand of salt doesn't have it anyways) is ok.. I'll have to use only that for now.

OH & remember, whatever amount of water you remove that ALL the salt your suppose to add, as the remaining water already has the proper amount of salt in it.. so don't add salt for the whole tank.

ex:(<-stupid smily code, bad bad smiley code lol.. just incase someone doesn't understand)

you have a 20g tank & you add 1 tbs/5 gallons, so thats 4 tbs of salt added to the 20g tank.

You change 10g worth of water once a week, so you can only add 2 tbs worth of salt to the water cause your only adding 10g of water to the tank.. that 10g thats already in the tank already has salt in it, so if you added all 4 tbs of salt to the tank, you ODing your fish with salt.

Hope that makes sence :)

06-22-2006, 11:48 AM
It helps fish from getting sick. I use it for my chiclids all the time.. I've run out(its mixed with other chemicals I use in the tanks) & can't afford any due to the 55g blowing up, but not having any wont kill the fish.. but having it keeps them extra healthy.. its good for ALL fish.. also table salt(without a certain chemical, forget what chemical, but my brand of salt doesn't have it anyways) is ok.. I'll have to use only that for now.

Correct me if I am wrong but I think the chemical you are talking about is Iodide, maybe their is another chemical too.

My Peanuts
06-22-2006, 12:27 PM
If you didn't put it in already add it in slowly. Like a little every hour or two, but basically just for the first time. Sometimes they can go into shock when they aren't used to the salt. Mine are used to it so when I do water changes I just add the full amount. If you did put it in already they should be ok, but it's just another precaution.

I use it all the time with my cichlids and even my betta.

06-22-2006, 01:59 PM
Besides iodine, the bad chemical in table salt is prussic acid (yellow soda of prussate) You can buy a big container of morton plain salt for 59 cents and use that. It contains calcium silicate, which is a mineral found in most tap water and is harmless for fish. That's the kind of salt I use. I was just wndering if you fish had ich or something. I know a few people keep a permanent salinity in their tanks, but I usually change it out after the fish are ok.

On a side note, I also switched to prussate-free salt. Apparently in its liquid form it is extremely toxic to people. In the form used for salt, tests indicate no harm to humans, but there is still harm to smaller mammals. I'd just rather not put extra, questionable chemicals into my mouth.