View Full Version : Few new additions!!! with pics!!!

06-12-2006, 06:52 PM
As some of you should know by now, I GOT A TIEL!! soooo....... if you thought "oh, more bettas" .............you are wrong...... ;) i got a bird since may 31 but havent had loaded the pics until now :rolleyes: , i still dont know if its a he or a she but i think its a she since its not very vocal, but still chirps a bit, as for name im still debating in quite a few, i´ll be posting a poll soon about that so here are some pics for you to all see my 3 month old baby tiel:

as you can see its cinnamon in color
and here you can see some sort of pattern at the back of the head and also some yellow/white patch where the wings meet (thing that made me think its a pied, but not sure) also has some yellow wing feathers in between the normal cinnamon ones (apart the ones where the normal white part is)

ok so now you must wonder why i said additionS if its just one tiel???
for an answer stay tuned in next post............. :D ;)

06-12-2006, 06:54 PM
oh he is so cute what's pretty boy's name?

06-12-2006, 07:00 PM
so when i came to parents house i told my kid have you told your grandma about your new bird, and he said "what bird" and then i said "the one at home" and he answered " i have no bird, thats your bird", so like if i needed another excuse to get another bird ;) :rolleyes: so i went to te pet store and got a budgie!!!!!

this one we´ve had him since like friday june 9 (i think it was 9) (and yes they are separated, if anyone wondered)

so we got a sky blue if i recall clearwing?? (if anyone knows better please correct me) and i think its a male because of the blue cere, but i´m not sure since i think i saw a white spot at the back of his head and beneath the winngs when he stretches, in which case would be pied also and then would be a female (thats what i´ve read though, i´m no expert :p )

so here a couple pics of Pablo (this one has a name, my kid picked it out way before getting him)

never mind the poop :o

please stay tunes for more pics in next post.............. :D

06-12-2006, 07:02 PM
:) a Budgie too.Pablo is a beauty

06-12-2006, 07:11 PM
and to your surprise...............

yes, i got some more bettas!!!!!

i have no control of myself................thanks Ashley!!! ;)

i just went to see them at the fish section and voila i came out with two, thankfully just two............. :D

first one is red with a bit of bluish purpluish hue in body and besides being a veil tail you can see some sort of crown tail which i´ve never seen (its not damaged or fin rot, that i´m sure)


then i saw him a very i´ve-never-seen-before-betta its like yellowy with some like dark brown or black outlining the scales of body then some transparent fins with dark edges, very nice, not at all opaques like most bettas i´ve seen/had

and if you were worried, dont be, that it, these are all my new additions....................for now :rolleyes: :p :D

hope you enjoyed the pics.........

P.S. i need to get some double keepers for the fishies but i cant find where to find them i saw some 2.5ers but i dont know what brand where they so if you know of some please let me know :D

06-12-2006, 07:15 PM
Congrats on all of the new additions!!!!! I love them all! So, you have Pablo, what names are you debating for your tiel, and do you have your betta's named?

Once again, congrats!!!
Steph and the whole crew:D

06-12-2006, 07:17 PM
i´m between

Giorgio/Giorgia (maybe spelled different)

and my kid suggested sandwich.......LOL i know too weird

06-12-2006, 07:18 PM
Congratulations on both of the new additions! Both are absolutely gorgeous. :D
The budgie is, indeed, a male. I wish my budgie's cere was a definate color!

06-12-2006, 07:34 PM
i´m between

Giorgio/Giorgia (maybe spelled different)

and my kid suggested sandwich.......LOL i know too weird

Use all the names 2 for your bettas and one for your teil
The teil looks like a Gucci to me :)

06-12-2006, 07:37 PM
i already have names for the bettas, spike for the red one and choco for the brown and transparent fins

so maybe i´ll stick to them for other pets :p ;)

06-12-2006, 07:56 PM
I like sandwich, but when I hear the name I'd get hungry. I like interesting names though that make people think.

06-12-2006, 08:09 PM
wow! your house is gonna get full!

your new tiel does look like a female. i'm not 100% sure though. you got the budgie from apetstore? normally pet store budgies are babies.(under 6 months) he sure is pretty!

YAY! more betta fish! :D

06-13-2006, 11:25 AM
despite having the white forehead he still has baby eyes (no white iris yet)

my tiel cheeks are brighter in person so that can be misleading :rolleyes:

now i´m back to what i used to be when a kid (house full of pets :p ) for a while i´ve been just with dogs and now...........well you know, bettas and birds have joined :D i´m so happy i wish i could get a rabbit and a cat but those are gonna have to wait for a while longer