View Full Version : *Crazy Cockatiel Question*

06-08-2006, 05:53 PM
Whew, I'm on a roll with starting new threads today! My sister just reminded me of Fred though. Here is his story and my question..Fred is a normal grey Cockatiel. He is around 6 - 7 years old, but we've only had him for about 6 months. He is very sweet when he wants to be and will let you scratch his head, as long as he is out of his cage, which he always is. He gets along pretty well with the Budgies and the other 2 'Tiels but we only let them out together when Fred is in a good mood. Fred doesn't really like people or other birds, but he is OBSESSED with dogs.

Any dog, no matter what size or color. If he even thinks he hears a dog, he will try to bite you. When he actually does see a dog he will fly down on it and land on its back. Thankfully, Dakota loves the birds and lets Fred land on her. If you try to take Fred off or take the dog out of the room he will dive bomb you and literally attack you. I tried to get him off Dakota and he thought he was biting me and he actually bit Dakota on her head, so now she's scared of him.

My question is, how can we get Fred to like us, Dakota, and the other birds? Also, why do you think he ONLY likes dogs? His old owner was stupid and would give him chocolate, soda, anything he wanted. We only give him fruits, veggies and good stuff like that. He has improved somewhat, but not very much. ANY advice is appreciated. Thanks so much. I'll post pictures of Fred in the next post.

06-09-2006, 04:16 PM
LOL, anyone? :)

06-09-2006, 06:45 PM
I'm sorry I can't help you. There is alot of knowledgable people on here. Give it time and I'm sure someone will help you. Welcome to Pet Talk. :)

06-10-2006, 02:03 PM
Okay.. Thanks?

06-10-2006, 02:37 PM
HI AND WELCOME!!! :D i too cannot help you. i don't know a whole lot about bird behavior. there are lots of bird people here that will be able to help you though. just wait for them to reply.

06-10-2006, 04:05 PM
Yeah, thanks.

Do you have a Dane? I have a 17week old harlequin. :)

06-20-2006, 03:30 PM
Is there any way to get Fred to like the other birds and us more than the pups?