View Full Version : Ok, PTers I begging for your help!!!!

06-01-2006, 07:35 PM
I will try to make this a short story but I am afraid it won't turn into one. I have been looking on Petfinder alot lately( something I definitely have to stop doing) I look on the special needs cats because they have always held a special place in my heart since I have so many that are special needs. Anyway, I saw this 8-9 weeks old deaf white kitten and fell in love. She had two sisters in there with her. The place they are in is a high kill place not even a shelter really, it is animal control. I emailed the person they had listed and found out that once they are they they have 3 days before they are destroyed maybe sooner when they are overrun especially now that kitten season has hit. I told her I wanted the deaf kitten and told her if I could work something out that I would adopt her and her sisiters because i couldn't take her and leave her sisters to die. Now for the problem, I live in KY and they are in UTAH. I need help setting up a transport and getting peopel between Utah and Ky to help out and save their lives! Wolf Q lives in Utah about two hours from the place and she could pick them up but can't keep them because her parents are highly allergic to cats. She suggested me fly and ge them but two major reasons I can't do that, one money and the other I can't leave my diabetics and special needs. if I had the money I would pay her to fly them to me but I don't even know how much that would cost since I don't have that kind of money. The thing is this needs to be figured out now because i got an email today from the volunteer, here is what she wrote

I hope you are serious about getting these kittens. I just went in and they had already put one to sleep. I told them I would take the other 2 tomorrow morning. They have so many that they were forced to "thin" them out. And as I was leaving someone brought in another mother and a batch of kittens that they are putting down tonight.
I cant stop crying. I don't know how much longer I can do this...........
Let me know what you can work out.

I about died when I read one is already dead!! Please please can people help me save these babies lives???? I am begging here.

here is the link to petfinder
if it doesn't work the palce is brigham utah.

I don't even know which one was killed she didn't say. Please please someone help


06-02-2006, 08:26 AM

I know what you're going through and it IS sad. I wish I could help with the transport. There is an airline that specializes in transporting animals all over the country. It's only about $150. If you need more info, let me know.

I hope you can get to them in time. Kitten season is upon us and kittens are being dumped everywhere by stupid, irresponsible pet owners who don't get their animals spayed/neutered.

06-02-2006, 06:14 PM
thanks . I can use all the info and suggestions you can give.

06-02-2006, 06:20 PM
I have been posting on you other thread. I hope you get the airline info. if it is really only $150, that is truly not that bad.

06-02-2006, 11:33 PM
There are certain companies that specializing in transporting pets and whatnot on the ground. They do it cross country, as well, I believe.

06-05-2006, 11:24 AM
I emailed her with the information I had from that whole Zippy fiasco. I hope it helps.

06-06-2006, 08:27 AM
Missy needs financial help. I posted in Cat General....if you can assist, please pm me.