View Full Version : Remembering Texas, May 11, 2006 one year later

05-10-2006, 08:22 PM
How I miss you, Texas. You were my Tuxiest of all Tuxedos, my first Tux, and my soulmate kitty. You were the calm in the house, welcoming whatever I brought home, with a gentle paw. Even Binx. Even Jonah. I miss your sweet little face, with the way you cried at 2 am. I miss your paws on my arm while I ate, and the way you ran from me at the last moment, some sort of game you played. You turned more people into cat likers, if not lovers, and the phrase, "I didn't know cats were like this..." was said more than once about you.

I knew you were the one when you reached your paw out to grab me as I walked past your crate in January of 1991. Within hours, you were lounging about in the apartment as if you knew no other home. I couldn't understand why someone returned you to the shelter. You were perfect. We has so much fun together, playing fetch with nearly anything you could find. You would race to my bedroom when I turned off the TV, and I think you slept with me every night until you got so sick.

In fact, your absence in my bed at the end told me the tale. I could see it in your eyes, and I think we both knew it was time for you to make the trip to the RB. I was with you until the tearful end, as you know. I have you still with me in my hope chest, where Grammy placed you. I haven't said a personal hello yet, as it just hurts too much still. I wanted to do it on your birthday, May 5, but, just couldn't bring myself to open it up. I will one day soon, I promise. Know that we are together still, and all the tuxies miss you, especially your Georgie girl. No one missed you more than I.


05-11-2006, 05:25 AM
What can I say (through the tears) but {{{{{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}}}}} ? :(

05-11-2006, 08:16 PM
Tex is having a Good Time as A Pet Angel.
Like All the Pet Angels Tex has been around the World.
And hes making notes of where you would like to eat and stay,when you reunite Years from now.
Will he ever have found just the Right Places for you to enjoy.
One Fine Day!!!

05-11-2006, 08:26 PM
Oh, Texas, Momma misses you. Purr some comfort into her ear tonight when she sleeps, okay?

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
05-12-2006, 09:25 AM

I know exactly what you're going through. :(

They say it gets easier as time passes, but does it really? Keep remembering all the good times and joy Tex brought you and someday....someday you will be able to look back with only joy and no pain.


Laura's Babies
05-12-2006, 10:56 AM
We never stop missing our RB babies but it does bring some comforty to know that the ones who have left us, know they were loved and adored while they were here and they returned that love without question or judgement.

Ally Cat's Mommy
05-19-2006, 01:46 PM

What a beautiful tribute to a wonderful companion. Tex had such a wonderful life with you, you were truly blessed to have known each other, and it's NEVER long enough :(

05-19-2006, 01:55 PM
Oh Johanna, I mourn with you, my friend. :(