View Full Version : HELP! Kitten in need of a forever home, NY

04-13-2006, 07:36 AM
My Uncle rescued a tiny kitten last night, one out of 5 who were a result of a drop off of a pregnant momma cat at a barn he works for. The kittens were born in the barn. 3 days ago the mother moved all the kittens to a different location, except for this kitten, who was the runt of the litter. No sight of the momma or the other siblings since 3 days ago. We believe she has abonded this kitty.
My uncle thinks it's a boy but he's not sure. I haven't seen the kitten yet, I am picking him/her up this afternoon. But he says that the kitten appears to be very healthy. Although the momma cat is something fierce & awful shy the kittens were handled every day by the workers & children that work and ride (horse barn) there and are extremely friendly. Heck my uncle has terrible allergies & is not an animal person & he brought this kitten home with him last night (knowing that I would come to the resscue lol). This kitty has to be special.
The kitten has teeth but they are just starting to come in. No fleas, no itching, no discharge from the eyes, nose, clean ears, etc....
My uncle can not keep it because he has terrible allergies. I am at my limit with my 2 cats and Joe's 2 cats will be living with me shortly.

The kitten is black & white, by the description it seems as if it may be a tuxie!!!! Blue eyes, but I have a feeling he just means the kitten blue eyes, so I am not sure if they will stay that way.

This kitten needs to go a loving home. I am willing to keep the kitten for a couple/few weeks max. until he/she is older if need be. I am also willing to meet someone or even perhaps try to get a transport for the kitten if need be.

You may conact me at: [email protected]

Please feel free to crosspost

Edited to add that as a reminder I am driving down to Ohio Memorial day weekend.

Does anyone know of any where else I can post this? I tried all the LJ communities.

Will post pics by next week (next time I am on the computer).

04-13-2006, 09:35 AM
I'm willing to foster the kitten till a home can be found, and will notify my friend about posting it on her website.

I live in New Haven and am willing to travel a little ways. Want to set up a transport??

Baby needs KMR every 2-3 hours. I'll send you an email with my cellphone number. Call me.

04-13-2006, 09:43 AM
I'm willing to foster the kitten till a home can be found, and will notify my friend about posting it on her website.

I live in New Haven and am willing to travel a little ways. Want to set up a transport??

Baby needs KMR every 2-3 hours. I'll send you an email with my cellphone number. Call me.

Normally me fostering the kitten is not a big deal but if I can find someone else willing to do it I will take them up on the offer. I will do it if I have to though.

You see in the next 6 weeks I have to pay for:
Bathroom floor to be redone & remodeled and now this morning I woke up to my bathtub leaking, don't know what thats going to entail.
Have to pay to get my van fixed
tires on my car
kaiges vet appointment & neuter
cats vet appoitments
just rescued a young kitten today
get my stove fixed or replaced

Joe, his 2 cats & 1 dog is moving in with me at the end of the month, may have to purchase some type of organizational cabinet or the like.

Then of course I have my regular bills & the trip to Ohio to save for.

I'll go look for the email now. thanks a bunch!

04-13-2006, 09:45 AM
Where is new haven by the way? What state is it in? In Conneticut?

04-13-2006, 09:54 AM
How far are you from the CT border? How far are you willing to travel?? If you want, call me at work at 203-785-3575. I'm here now.

04-13-2006, 10:05 AM
How far are you from the CT border? How far are you willing to travel?? If you want, call me at work at 203-785-3575. I'm here now.

I just drove to Hartford CT, 2 years ago, I think it took me about 4.5-5 hours. I know it was faster than what mapquest said it was.

I'll call ya as soon as I get a moment to be on the phone, the lines are tied up at the moment.

04-13-2006, 10:12 AM
Okay. I'll be here till 5:00 then I'm on my way home. You've got my cellphone number from my email.

04-17-2006, 03:27 PM
If I lived closer to you or June was closer, i'd ask your to smuggle him into Canada for me! I cannot resuce/foster a dog, JUST because of Cyrus' breed & the mixed kittens here cost over 100.00!! + your little guy needs a home asap... Wanna come to Canada early? hehe

04-17-2006, 03:43 PM
He is a boy, he is about 3.5 weeks of age and he is VERY cute!!!!
Sorry no pics, I forgot my camera today.

Little kitten is doing great! I can't believe how much he has improved in just the few days that I have had him. He has put on some weight, his coat is a lot softer & shinier.
He LOVES the dogs!

He is pretty healthy, of course he is still very young & is very wobbly, not the greatest of vision or hearing but I think he will do just fine.

I hope to god he is healthy as I am unable to quaranitine him like I usually do with fosters. With the remodeling I'm doing with my bathroom & the fact that Joe's moving in in a couple weeks my house is a mess. lol
We did go to the vets today for an exam, for no other reason than to try to ease my mind with the no quarantine thing. The vet says he is healthy, could gain a little more weight but I don't think that will be a problem, otherwise everything looks & sounds great!
At least I hope I shouldn't have to worry about FIV or LEUK spreading to my cats as they all ignore each other. I just hope he doesn't have a URI or the like in hiding.

Im not sure yet if I have "sucker" written in big bold bright colors across my forehead or not but Joe & I MAY be keeping this little nameless squirt. If not I have home(s) lined up for him already.

Any name suggestions are more than welcome! ;)

04-17-2006, 03:47 PM
I like squirt :)

04-18-2006, 11:18 AM
I like squirt

Me too!!!