View Full Version : We received another rescue today

04-06-2006, 06:21 PM
;) Well the girls from the Humane Society called last night with another kittie in need for some human contact. I really wasn't sure if I could handle putting myself through another foster, but this one needs to learn how to trust humans again. So I thought why not. I have the time and I would love to be a part of a kitties life if it is for the good. Anyone have any ideas as to what I can butter her up with??? She is really scared right now so I am just going to give her sometime to learn all of the houses noises ect. Then I think I am going to try the treats thing and if that doesn't work then I will try the wet cat food. It always works well with Chloe when she is in a panic. She seems to be a really nice little kitty. I will take pictures and post her loveliness when she will at least trust me enough to come out her kennel. The lady said that she has been tested for everything so when my kitties get use to her smells I am going to slowly introduce them to her. I think they will also ease her mind too because they will show that we aren't going to harm her or them. She loves to be around other kitties but has a real hard time bonding with humans and that is why she is here. Wish me luck. I think she can sense that I am a cat lover she gave me little head bumps while I was at the shelter to pick her up we just have to give her time.

04-06-2006, 07:56 PM
Thank you for giving her a chance.

A lot of volunteers use Whiskas Temptations to weasel their way into a cat's heart. Many cats just love them and will respond positively to the bag being opened or coming out from underneath something.

Be sure to talk sweetly and softly to her the whole time.

Looking forward to the pix!

Good luck!

smokey the elder
04-07-2006, 08:59 AM
Is there any way you can confine the cat to a small room where it's hard for her to escape? Many people on here wouldn't agree with this, but I've had very good luck taming cats by gently "forcing" contact. I have a treat in one hand, and use the other to hold the cat gently but firmly. I have found that if they can hear my heartbeat they calm down some. Or you can try the go slow and bribe 'em approach! Either way, it's best if you go one on one without other kitties around to be "buttinski's".

04-07-2006, 12:41 PM
Well done on trying more foster work in spite of your first experience being a very, very difficult one.

I agree with the confinement. Although this cat enjoys being with other cats, she needs to be away from them until she comes to rely on you, a human, to give her the attention and comfort she needs. You have already had some success with the little head-bumps, so you need to build on that and not distract her from you by giving her the kind of contact (other cats) that she finds easier at this point. If she will give you head bumps, I'm assuming she will come to you for affection? You may need to do the kind of thing we do with ferals, just sit in her room on the floor and read or sew, humming to yourself or talking gently.

I'm working with a one-time feral cat right now, and I find it frustrating at times - because I don't really have much time. She has to be medicated twice a day and in order to scoop her up I have to kneel down in her room for 10-15 minutes while she constantly walks wide circles round me, crying at me for attention but shying away from me the moment I start to reach out. I have to wait until she is leaning and rubbing against me, then I rub her back for a few minutes. Only after that routine can I scruff her to medicate her. She would love to be with other cats, and I know she would be less stressed if she was, but her future lies in what we are going through now.

04-07-2006, 10:44 PM
Thank You all for the info. I found when I came home from work today she really wasn't at all reseptive to any of the food and water that I had given her so we went to the movie Benchwarmers tonight and on my way home I stopped by my local Walmart store and picked up some canned Iams cat food and she just loved it. In fact she came right out of her kennel with absolutely no bribbing at all. I was completely shocked :eek: She already is completely a lover towards me. I am going to attach some photos of her so you can see what a pretty little girl that she is.