View Full Version : Two Years Ago...

03-19-2006, 05:38 PM
It's been exactly 2 years since my baby boy - Perkins, left me... I can't believe it's been to years. It seems like it was just yesterday.

He left so suddenly. I always expected him to live to the ripe old age of 18 or so, but his time came much to soon. He was only 8, just shy of his 9th birthday. I'm sure many of you have heard my story before, but I'd like to tell you Perkins' life story.

Perkins was born on May 15, 1995 at my friends house... his mother was a beautiful calico cat named Calico. There were 4 kittens in the litter 2 calico girls named Freckles and Kally, a dilute calico girl named Smokey and then Perkins. His fur was very light as a kitten, a creamy ginger color. He had white cheeks, a white chest and tummy with white paws.

Well one day I went to my friends house and as my Mom and I drove up the driveway I saw a saw which read "Kittens For Sale". Naturally as soon as I got there I went to see the kittens and instantly my eyes were drawn to little Perkins... he stood out. My friend and her 2 step sisters each grabbed one of the sister and ran off to play with them, leaving Perkins alone. He looked so sad all by himself so I wondered over and began to pet him. He had the most beautiful big blue eyes. I sat and watch him as he played with his Mom. When it came time for me to go home I went and said goodbye to little Perkins, I held him close and promised him I'd find a way to bring him home with me.

The next week or two all I talked about was Perkins and after a while my parents decided we would get Perkins, so a few days later he was home with us.

The first 2 years of his life he was a very affectionate cat, he loved everyone. But he began to change and soon only cared for my Mom and I. Anyone he tried to pet him would get swatted at! :p Goofy boy, he was so fussy.

When he was 5 years old, we almost lost him. He got very, very ill but luckily recovered and was back to his old self in no time. Perkins also earned some fame during his life. His picture is on page 472 in the Annual Dogs In Canada magazine in the 2002 issue (they have a cat section in the back). He was also on the front page of our local paper for a dress-up contest I had him in. :)

I can't begin to tell you all how much I loved my Perkins boy. I never realized just how much I loved him until he was gone. I miss everything about him. His outrageously loud purring, his unique LOUD meow (he was a very talkative boy) and his precious pink pawsies.

In early March 2004 Perkins suddenly began to lose weight. I immedialtely wanted to take him to the vet but my Mom thought he'd be fine. But he wasn't... he lost more and more weight and was barely drinking or eating. We took him to the vet clinic, she checked him over and couldn't see anything wrong with him but then when she checked his heart she was worried. She told us he had an irregular heart beat... she was very concerned about his year. She said his life expectancey was at least 6 months but he wouldn't live anymore than 5 years.

Mom and I took him home and cried, and cried and cried. During the next week his health continued to decline, all he did was sleep... he wouldn't touch his food no matter how hard we tried to get him to eat. Then nine days after his visit to the vet my Mom woke me up suddenly on the morning of March 19th 2004. She told me Perkins was extremely weak, he wasn't able to climb the stairs that morning and he was having difficulty breathing...

I sobbed hysterically before going into the living room to see him curled up in his bed... I bent down and gently pet him and told him how much I loved him... I spent a good hour talking to him, I sang him "his" song "You Are My Sunshine" then my Mom and I decided it was time to let him go...

We drove him to the vet and before we knew it he was gone... we took him home and buried him in the backyard so he'd always be near us...

:( :( :(

I know I'll see him again someday, but the waiting is so hard... I miss him so... but I always talk to him, and hope he's listening. He was such a good cat.

Here are a few pictures of him.






(PS sorry if there are any grammer/spelling mistakes, didn't have time to read over it)

03-19-2006, 05:39 PM
I've posted this before... but here is a poem I wrote for Perkins a couple months after his passing.

As the sun shines brightly through the door,
I expect to see you all sprawled out on the floor.
But then I remember that you’re not here,
And only wish I could hold you near.

No matter how hard I try,
It's still so hard not to cry.
Although you're gone you’re still in my heart,
Of which you will always remain a great part.

As days pass by and the seasons go,
I still always am missing you so.
Though I know your in better place
How I miss seeing your sweet face.

I still think back to that tragic day,
All was somber and so gray.
Making the decision to have you leave,
Was so hard to imagine and still I grieve.

When saying goodbye I held you tight,
Trying not to be sad with all my might.
I told you how I would try to stay strong,
Then I sung you your special song.

I stayed there with you til the end,
Doing my best to be a good friend.
Again and again I told you I loved you,
Until I was no longer in your view.

Now your above and look down at me,
No longer in pain just happy and free.
I hope one day our paths may meet.
And you'll be there waiting to greet.

03-19-2006, 06:18 PM
Perkins is having a Wonderful Time in The Pet Angel Army and knows that you miss him a Great Deal.
And he misses You Too,and is making a List of Hotels and Restaurants where you can go together when you meet again.
One Fine Day.

03-19-2006, 11:20 PM
I remember when Perkins passed away.:( Thanks for telling his story again and sharing the poem that you wrote about him. He was a very much loved kitty and had a great life with you and your family. I'm sure that you'll see him again some day.

03-20-2006, 09:32 AM
WOW. Major LES here. I do remember that sad day two years ago. What a special boy Perkins was. He was muchly loved, that I know. While time does help with the pain, it never leaves us, does it?

{{{{{{gentle hugs}}}}}}


03-20-2006, 09:55 AM
I am so very sorry to read about your dear Perkins!!! He was such a handsome ORANGEMAN!!! He is with you always, sleep softly, sweet Perkins...

03-22-2006, 05:28 AM
Perkins was a beautiful cat.I'm sure you miss him so very very much.Know he is reasting now and watching over you :(

Killearn Kitties
03-22-2006, 07:42 AM
What a beautiful beautiful boy Perkins was. Although he left you far too soon, you gave him a great life while he was here, and that's the most any of us can hope for. I love that picture of him where he is lying by the glass doors and the rim on the pot outside looks like his halo! :D

Rest in peace, sweet Perkins.