Pet of the Day
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Pet of the Day
Today's Pet of the Day
Schnuffel the Lionhead mix Rabbit, the Pet of the Day
Name: Schnuffel
Age: One and a half years old
Gender: Male
Kind: Lionhead mix Rabbit
Home: Freiburg, Black Forest, Germany
   This is my rabbit Schnuffel. He is one year old and on May 7th he will turn two years old. I love him very much. My rabbit lives in our living room in a cage. I like Schnuffel, because sometimes he wants to play football (what you call soccer in America) with me. I give him a little ball and he plays the ball with his nose, and this is so cute. His fur is white and he has black patches, which is adorable. And he's very fast! On his head he has a wild hairstyle. That's funny because sometimes I rumple his hairstyle and it looks so funny.

      He drinks water and he eats rabbit food, carrots and in the summer he eats dandelions. As treats I give him little hearts. That's his favorite food. I don't know why, because the treats have a strange smell to me. I find he's sweet when he is dressing up or yawns. His eyes are very black and mysterious, but the eyes are lovely at the same time. That's my rabbit Schnuffel. I love him very much.

Schnuffel the Lionhead mix Rabbit, the Pet of the Day

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