Pet of the Day
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Pet of the Day
Today's Pet of the Day
Pepper the Syrian Hamster, the Pet of the Day
Name: Pepper
Age: One year old
Gender: Female
Kind: Syrian Hamster
Home: Houston, Texas, USA
   Pepper is an amazing hamster who has loads of energy! She is always running on her wheel or exploring the cage and room during free time. She is a kind-hearted hamster who has never hurt anyone or anything. We received her on my birthday (the same day we brought home our newest guinea pig) as my brother wanted a hamster.

     Pepper was kind from the start! She was a sweet baby and still is today as an adult. She has had a total of three caves and has had six escapes so far that seemed impossible to perform. Pepper is a hugger and loves to sit upon your shoulder and see the view. My brother and I are truly thankful for this little bundle of joy named Pepper and only hope she will have many more years to come.

Pepper the Syrian Hamster, the Pet of the Day

Louby Lou the Lop Earred Rabbit Max the Pacific Parrotlet Oreo the English Spot Rabbit David the Teddy Guinea Pig Ekko the Vosmaeri Eclectus Pirati the Dwarf Rabbit Oreo the Guinea Pig Eric the Lop Rabbit
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