Pet of the Day
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Pet of the Day
Today's Pet of the Day
Mister Squiggles the Tuxedo Mouse , the Pet of the Day
Name: Mister Squiggles
Age: Six weeks old
Gender: Male
Kind: Tuxedo Mouse
Home: Brooks, Alberta, Canada
   Mister Squiggles was born with a marking that reminds me of the North American continent. He was part of the sleepy litter. He still lives up to his name, he is a mouse potato. He'd rather sleep than play and explore like other mice. He loves to burrow in his hamster tube, and an elbow one shaped like the letter T. He often runs into it when he doesn't want to be held. He is a gentle soul, too timid to take treats from my hand. He puts up with all sorts of petting and stuff once I have him in my hand, but he inherited his mother's personality. I have never seen a tuxedo mouse that didn't have a white nose and forehead stripe. He is so cool! Like his half brother Mufasa, he is licky when he is in the mood to convey some love.

     In the last picture he is a baby. I used to be able to roll him around without him waking up; he could sleep through a thunderstorm. When he puts his ears down with a puppy dog look he looks like a dumbo rat. He also makes me wonder what he has done that he is trying to look innocent. He reminds me of a dog that had an accident in the kitchen.

     I have noticed that Squiggles loves strawberry leaves. We cut some to eat and gave him a top which he did away with in 10 minutes. There was no green left just the berry which mice don't seem to like. At least, I never saw a mouse eat the actual berry. One other boy I have hardly touched his portion so gave Squiggles a second helping and that was soon gone too!. He takes life at his own pace, and is very easygoing. He chews treats slowly, relishing every bite. He seems to eat slower than any mouse I have had over the years. He doesn't rush for any reason, unless he doesn't want kisses, then you better be fast to catch the little scamp! He is precious!

Mister Squiggles the Tuxedo Mouse , the Pet of the Day
Mister Squiggles the Tuxedo Mouse , the Pet of the Day
Mister Squiggles the Tuxedo Mouse , the Pet of the Day

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