I love this site. I had to create a new account to post here. I haven't seen a new cat picture in months. Is the site broken? Or no longer posting new pictures? I miss the daily pictures.
I love this site. I had to create a new account to post here. I haven't seen a new cat picture in months. Is the site broken? Or no longer posting new pictures? I miss the daily pictures.
I am sorry - life got very very busy, and without Paul (who died 5/4/15) I have to do everything myself. My old computer won't run Photoshop any more, so I got a new one, but having a fulltime job, and a farm and animals to care for, I just ran out of time. But I am updating them tonight. Again, my apologies.
I've Been Frosted
Please don't worry about it! I am new here (only found out about your site a couple months ago), but I am in love with this place...So thankful that you take the time to do this, and I think I can speak for all visitors when I say we are relieved to see activity from you!! Thank you!!! <3 Wishing you a wonderful winter![]()
It sounds like the site may be experiencing issues or has changed its posting schedule. It's possible that they are no longer posting daily pictures, but you could try reaching out to the site's support team for clarification on any updates or changes.
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