Hello, Judy, lovely kitty! Happy Cat of the Day!Her name is 'Little Legs' also known as Judy, Judy, Judy! This little beauty has owned me since her birth. Her residence is at The Vicarage, here in sunny Brighton.
Her best friend is Delilah Doolittle the Miniature Schnauzer.
Favorite Food: Fish, fish and fishes.
Favorite Hobby: Naps, Snoring, Zooming about and then napping.
Dislikes: The human moving in bed.
Likes: Food, Mayo, being brushed and head-butting Delilah.
Favorite Trick: Letting Human think they are in control.
Bad Habit: Pooping in the Litter Box as soon as it's been cleaned out OR even worse at 3am; making Human think they've messed their bed!
Desire: To out-blink human. Look at me - Don't look at me!
** Happy Days ** to all!
What a lovely lady you are! I like your golden eyes and your lovely tuxedo markings! I agree with your person - you are a beauty!
My goodness, you are a busy kitty! You hang out with Delilah Doolittle the Miniature Schnauzer and give head-butts! You run zoomies, share blinks with your person, and eat some yummy fish! Then it is time for a nap and energy restoration. You like to let your people think they're in control, but you are really in control. Best of all, you provide your special companionship to your person! PURRRfect!
Happy, happy Cat of the day to dear Judy!
p.s., my kitty preferred a fresh (or just-cleaned-out) litter pan. She would use it and then zoooooom out!