I can hardly keep up with all the new law changes happening in my country, but so far most of them are for the good., this one is no different and I for one am a 100 percent behind it.

They are proposing that sex offenders be monitered up to ten years after their date of release.

Of course civil libertys are up in arms stating this is a breach of the bill of rights.

My answer to that is once you commit these henious crimes, you give up any of your so-called rights.

At this very moment, my daughter's best friends sister is appearing in court, as she was molested by a paedophile last year, this moron is already in Jail for committing the same offence, he preyed on his victim, be-friending her mother , a solo parent, she was also good friends with his sister, who obviously failed to tell or acknowlege her brothers behaviour.

This moron also before he was put to jail for another offence kept harrassing her , and telling her mother once she turned 16 he would have her, and she could do nothing about it, the unfortunate part was the girl was only like 12 at the time, and thought he was marvelous.

This was very close to home , because my own daughter had been over there, and was taken out in a group with him, it could have happened to her, but he was obsessed with this particular girl only.

It really saddens me, she is a beautiful girl, whos innocence has been taken by this sick individual, I cannot bring myself to call him a human being.

So what do you think, I am so for this bill to be passed, and hopefully it will be and soon, paedophiles never change, and always re-offend, maybe ten yrs is not long enough, but what can we do, people say they have served their time, leave them alone, but hey I would not want one of them living next door to me and not know about it.!!!!