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Thread: Would you take my survey?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2005

    Would you take my survey?

    This is for a class in my master's program. You don't have to be a parent to respond. If you don't know the answer to a question, you can just say "I don't know." The answers do not have to be lengthly. I know it's a boring survey...sorry. Hopefully I will get a few responses!

    Thank you so much in advance!!

    1. What are standardized tests?

    2. Why do schools use standardized tests?

    3. How do schools use the tests?

    4. Will standardized tests be used to determine my child’s placement in the classroom?

    5. What kinds of tests will my child be taking?

    6. How will the scores be reported?

    7. How will my child’s test score be used?

    8. How can I help my child do well on tests?

    9. Does the test score reflect how my child does in the classroom?

    10. What happens if my child doesn’t do well on the tests?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Belgium, near Ghent
    I wish I could help you, because I am a teacher. But in my country Belgium, the school system is so different from yours!
    Succes with your survey!
    I miss you enormously Sydney, Maya, Inka & Zazou Be happy there at the Rainbow Bridge

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA
    1. What are standardized tests? Tests used to evaluate a student's progress in general learning, designed to cover all the bases for a particular grade level.

    2. Why do schools use standardized tests? Usually because they are state-mandated to measure a school, school system or a teacher's success rate, also to detect children who might need special help or different methods of learning.

    3. How do schools use the tests? I don't know.

    4. Will standardized tests be used to determine my child’s placement in the classroom? Dunno, don't have children.

    5. What kinds of tests will my child be taking?
    Dunno, don't have children.

    6. How will the scores be reported?
    Dunno, don't have children. Results can be delivered to the teacher and handed out to students, or mailed to the students parents at home, or just kept in the child's records ...

    7. How will my child’s test score be used?
    Dunno, don't have children.

    8. How can I help my child do well on tests?
    Dunno, don't have children. But by helping with schoolwork, making sure s/he understands and is doing well in class, and keeping in contact with the teacher.

    9. Does the test score reflect how my child does in the classroom?
    No, not necessarily.

    10. What happens if my child doesn’t do well on the tests? Dunno, don't have children. It probably varies from school to school.
    I've Been Frosted

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Chihuahua, Mexico
    our school system is different also but here´s what I think about the matter... just like when going to a new school they "test" you to evaulate how are you and if you fit properly to their program or how advanced are you...IMO

    1. What are standardized tests? they are used to see how much you know and if you are at the same level as other people in the same grade.

    2. Why do schools use standardized tests? to evaulate the learning among students and see if they all are ont he same note

    3. How do schools use the tests? I think just like regular tests, but here the evaluate the overall you

    4. Will standardized tests be used to determine my child’s placement in the classroom? Maybe, if a kid is slow learned he might get more help or if he´s a fast learner techers should be able to suffice his needs in other for him/her to not get bored in class

    5. What kinds of tests will my child be taking?
    No clue... general knowledge?... science, math, biology, history...

    6. How will the scores be reported?
    No idea...

    7. How will my child’s test score be used?
    to his/her favor... to see and evaluate his/her progress...

    8. How can I help my child do well on tests?

    9. Does the test score reflect how my child does in the classroom?
    In a way.... but tests can be tricky.... some people get way too nervous at tests and do bad while at class they are brilliant...

    10. What happens if my child doesn’t do well on the tests? Not really sure, but if the test affects his/her place in school or where he/she will be going that might be an issue, if they are just to evaluate as an intern program he/she might just need to get more studying time in order to keep up
    Corinna´s Christmas Card Swap ´06
    dedicated to a lovely woman who won many hearts along her life...........
    she will be deeply missed.......Thank you for letting us be a part of your life, you will surely remain in ours FOREVER........R.I.P. Dear Corinna

    Best Fireman in da House´10
    dedicated to the kindest,loveliest and always helpful dude that one would be honored and proud to know........R.I.P. Dear Phred

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  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Thank you very much, these have helped me tremendously!!

  6. #6
    OK, here goes for the system I used to work for:

    1. What are standardized tests? Test forms given to all the public school kids in the grade in the state.

    2. Why do schools use standardized tests? To keep federal funds (they'll tell you they do it to see how kids are doing in relation to each other)

    3. How do schools use the tests? To make the teacher go back and reteach, re-emphasize points, or even to hold kids back. Sometimes used to decide who will get additional remedial teaching or tutoring from 1st grade up.

    4. Will standardized tests be used to determine my child’s placement in the classroom? Yes

    5. What kinds of tests will my child be taking? Umm, I know little ones did PALS, can't remember what gr. 3-5 did.

    6. How will the scores be reported? Schools get the info first, then, eventually, parents get a letter.

    7. How will my child’s test score be used? See above--tutoring, remediation, or a computer-based program they started this year. Holding back for little ones (like K-1).

    8. How can I help my child do well on tests? Food, sleep, etc.

    9. Does the test score reflect how my child does in the classroom? On occasion.

    10. What happens if my child doesn’t do well on the tests? See above--tutoring, remediation, or a computer-based program they started this year. Holding back for little ones (like K-1).

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