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Thread: OK - new puppy, first night, need advice,help

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Salt Lake City, Utah

    OK - new puppy, first night, need advice,help

    Hi well the first night with Tess went fairly well, however she soiled her crate pretty bad. Now - last night I watched her really close while she played and every time I thought she was ready to potty, I took her outdoors - no potty. Brought her back in - within minutes - squat!!! Couldn't even catch the poo which happened once.

    This morning - took her outside, no potty.
    Brought her in - squat!!! I left her in the crate while I'm here at work - can't have her running around the house. I do have a small bathroom downstairs that isn't carpeted - would that be better to leave her in there. It's pretty dark, but I could leave the light on. I felt so bad - she cried, and yelped and cried and yelped and was still crying and yelping when I left. She's a real needy puppy. Does anyone have suggestions, and I'm sure you do, on how I can make this easier on both of us???

    And by the way - no one of my cats hissed at her or at each other. I was so surprised. I don't thing I'm going to have a problem in that department - but the potty thing I'm already worried about.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Columbia, MD
    Glad to hear that your first night went well. Sorry about the potty problem.

    You said Tess is a little puppy, right? You can't expect her to be potty training from the first try. (I have heard that chis have a hard time being potty training) If you want to crate train her, I would leave her in her crate during the day when you are at work. I do not think the bathroom is a good idea. I am sure she will stop crying after she realizes you are not there. Drake used to cry and yelp when Andrew or I left the house. One day, Andrew left and I was still in bed. Drake cried for about 15 minutes and realized we were gone (he thought I was gone too). He just stopped and I heard his big body hit the floor. We both slept for several hours and he didn't even know I was there. All puppies are needy.

    Be patient and consistent with Tess. That is the only way to get through this though stage.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    When she is crying in the crate make sure you do not go comfort her. I know its hard, but just ignor her when she is crying otherwise she will learn thats how she gets attention.

    With the potty training take her out every time after she eats. Also, when you catch her going in the house just pick her up and run her outside as quickly as possible. They learn pretty quick that outside is where they are suppose to go. Don't lock her in the bathroom because she will definitly make one corner of it her bathroom. The crate is good because dogs don't like to go in their sleeping area. It takes a little time, but she will learn. My dog now rings a bell when she needs to go out to go to the bathroom.

    Good luck
    Keith: owner
    Harley: 16 mo old female Rottweiler
    Bugs: 3 yr old cat
    Taz: 3 yr old cat
    Sierra: 4 yr old ferrot

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Pennsylvania, USA
    I strongly advise crate training. If you do it properly your pup should be house trained successfully in no time. First pups do not have complete bladder control until around 12 weeks. When they have to go they have to go! Your job is to make sure they do not have run of the house until they potty.

    The pups crate should be no bigger than to allow the pup to stand, lay, and turn around in. If the crate is bigger section it off by putting a board or something else of your choice to make it the correct size. Make it soft and comfy inside. Immediately when you open the crate to let pup out, take her outside and tell her to go potty. When she does make a big fuss and praise her like crazy. If she doesn't potty outside bring her back inside to her crate. No touching the floor for even a second. After about 10 minutes or so then take her out again telling her to potty as before. Repeat this until she potties. The pup must be taken out to potty every few hours. Once she potties then you can let her have run in the house for a while. If she tires out and lays down, put her back in the crate. Repeat the above process again as soon as she awakes.

    Pups normally have to potty again about 15 to 20 minutes after each meal.

    Do not put her in the bathroom. Bathrooms are unsanitary and this will also hinder your housetraining process since this gives her a large enough area to potty in without any consequences.

    Once the pup understands potty is done outside you can take the partition out of the crate if you still use it because of chewing or digging problems.

    Best of Luck with the new pup!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Salt Lake City, Utah
    Dixieland - but what about when I'm at work - certainly I can't leave her in such a small area when I'm at work for over 8 hours a day???? Oh and do I just let her cry in between trips outside to potty, if she doesn't potty or can I hold her?

    [ December 06, 2001: Message edited by: purrley ]

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Pennsylvania, USA
    No puppy can hold it for more than a couple of hours. Is there someone in your neighborhood you trust that can let her out for you? If not then you may need to consider paper training but I don't recommend this way since it causes longer times for the dog to understand what you expect. Basically it gives mixed signals. The pup thinks, I'm allowed to potty in the house sometimes and sometimes I'm not? If you do have someone that can come and let the pup out that is the ideal situation.

    By four months the pup can probably stay in the crate for up to 4 hours and by 6 months they can hold it for up to 7 hours if you don't give them excessive amounts to drink.

    Don't give into the crying. She will get over it and learn not to cry. It's kind of like a baby in the crib crying not because something is wrong but because they want out and are throwing a temper tantrum. Holding her defeats the purpose of getting her to potty. She needs to associate getting out of the crate means go to potty.

    I know some people don't crate train. I have done it both ways and will never do anything else but use the crate. The dog learns so much quicker and I don't have the frustration. If you can't crate train and need to paper train, perhaps you can find a good site on the net to learn how to do this successfully. I have a neighbor come over for the pup a couple times a day until they can hold it for 4 hours, then I have them come over 1 time a day.

    I hope this helps!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Salt Lake City, Utah
    No Dixie - unfortunately I do not have anyone that I can trust to do this and no one would do it for free that's for sure. Can't I do the crate thing when I'm home and leave her in the bigger crate while I'm at work. Would this give her mixed signals. I really can't expect her to hold it at this age anyway. I will be off work from Dec. 21st thru Jan 6th - I can work with her really well then. Do you think I could make good progress during that time? How to people who work and want a puppy potting train their pups. I'm discouraged now, maybe I shouldn't have gotten the pup

    [ December 06, 2001: Message edited by: purrley ]

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2001
    If you leave her in the bigger crate, she'll just make one side her bathroom and the other side her bedroom. I might consider hiring a pet sitter type person who lives near you for the next couple weeks until you're off work. Just have them come over briefly a few times a day to let the pup out. It shouldn't cost TOO much if they live near. As a general rule, puppies can hold it their age in months plus one (a 3 month old could hold it 4 hours).

    It is going to be important to take her to the same spot in the yard every time she goes out. Once she gets the idea, she should catch on very quickly that that is her toilet. Also, do not play with her or let her get distracted while walking to the "toilet".

    After she potties outside, praise her and let her romp around a little bit. Don't take her directly back inside every time after she potties or she may view this as a punishment and hold it until she gets back indoors.

    Having a puppy is a huge commitment and a lot of work, but don't worry, your efforts will pay off
    Shiloh, Reece, Lolly, Skylar
    and fosters Snickers, Missy, Magic, Merlin, Maya

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Salt Lake City, Utah
    I just can't do this pet sitter thing - oh another thing - it's terribly cold here now -my puppy nor I like to stay outside too long so if she doesn't go right away burrrrrrr - I'm worried about her gettting too cold

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2001
    Greenville, SC, USA
    Get her a sweater, Purrley. That will help keep the tiny little thing warm when she's outside.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2001
    Edmonds, WA USA
    Ohhhh, do I know what you are going through!
    I adopted a 3 yr. old dog in July, and found out when I got her home she had never really been house broken. There is a long thread about it with the subject 'separation anxiety?' (I think it's still there under dog behavior).
    She did the same thing as your pup- I would take her outside when I thought she needed to go, and tell her "go potty". She would not go, then go INSIDE and go potty! A lot of the time I did not get to catch her in the act, which made it even more difficult and frustrating. Everyone here at Pet Talk would tell me to keep her in her crate always when I was gone or could not watch her. I resisted at first because it seemed like it was too long to be in there, and she would also go potty in her crate. What finally worked with her crate was to take the blanket out for shorter periods at times- for some reason then she stoped going in her crate.
    As for her going outside, it just took a lot of repetition. I would take her out, and if she did not go within about 4-5 minutes, we went back inside and I would keep her where I could see her. Then maybe 15 minutes or so later, it was back out again. When she finally went outside ON COMMAND, I praised her alot and gave her treats. Still though, I had to do that quite often for awhile. Now, her reward for going outside is a game of ball- she LOVES ball. Use whatever works for your Pup.
    It has paid off now, and I don't remember her last accident in the house. In fact, now she does not have to be in her crate unless we are gone for a long time. I am hoping that we can work up to never really having her in her crate, unless absolutely neccessary.
    And the bathroom thing: It did not work for me. Just like what everyone has said here, it was too big, and she used one corner to potty in.
    Good Luck! It will work out. I know that there was time when I thought it wouldn't, but it did.
    Keep us posted on your progress.
    Kedi, Wylie, Rudy, and the dog Scout!

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Nov 2000
    Never has the Last word.
    I feel your Pain, I have had baby Keegan for about a month. I would strongly advise crate training. I crated Shaianne, and Keegan gets crated when I am at work and when we are sleeping. It took her about 2 weeks to finally settle down at night.
    I can certainly understand why Tess doesn't want her poor little feet to touch the cold hard ground, I don't blame her a bit!
    But consistence is the key. Keegan is slowly getting trained. The vet told me today, that when I get home from work to not make such a big deal over Keegan, to practically ignore her other than taking her outside, and that will reduce the chances of her becoming a submissive peer, which is what we don't want!
    Very hard to break, my sister's dog is a submissive peer and he is over 2 years old.
    I know how you feel, I felt I wasn't good enough for a puppy either after the first couple of nights, but it does get better.
    Keegan 9/28/2001 to June 9, 2012
    Kylie (June 2000 to 5/19/2012)
    "we as American's have forgotten we can agree to disagree"
    Kylie the Queen, Keegan the Princess, entertained by Kloe the court Jester
    Godspeed Phred and Gini you will be missed more than you ever know..

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Salt Lake City, Utah
    Thank you all for your wonderful support. Today I feel a whole lot more confident about my baby girl. Last night we spent a whole lot of time going outside and coming in and she did beautifully. I guess I just didn't let her stay out long enough for the potty to happen, but yesterday after I got home from work and spent time with her, she did great. I do feel bad about the crate thing though - just hate to have to keep her in there for so long - boy is she happy to see me when I get home. I get saturated with puppy kisses for 5 to 10 minutes. I'm not used to all this affection - I've always had cats. I do love her though and I think as you all say, a lot of love, consistency, and perserverance will pay off in the long run. Thanks again everyone Oh by the way, I took some pictures of her last night. I plan on taking a whole lot more and will get them out for all to see just as soon as I can

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Feb 2001
    Greenville, SC, USA
    That's a good report this morning, Purrley!! You and Tess will figure it all out soon, and be "best friends" forever!! I loved it when you said you weren't used to so much affection!!! Our cats are only affectionate when they are ready to be, and the dogs are ALWAYS ready to be!!! LOL!!

    Kiss little Tess for us!!

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jan 2001
    San Diego, California USA
    Purrley, good for you, now that you have Tess you will get more kisses and love then you have ever had. It is discouraging in the beginning but the patience pays off. Don says that Daisy has a little cat in her she only kisses and loves when she feels like it. LOL

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