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Thread: Abbey's nipping

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    State College, PA

    Abbey's nipping

    Lately Abbey has taken to nipping me--not necessarily me, but my clothing or jacket.

    I went out to play with them one night after work, and she got ahold of my jacket, and wouldn't let go. Then Jada grabbed ahold of it too, and needless to say, the two of them weigh the same as me, and guess who won the standoff

    She grabs my sweatshirt sleeves, and tries to grab clothing while I am putting it on. I can't make her stop. When Jada grabbed ahold of me that night, I said "drop it", and she left me alone--until the excitement got too much for her, and she wanted to join in the "game" Abbey does this a lot, even in the house, and she will NOT release, no matter what command I use for her.

    If she picks up something she isn't supposed to "drop it" works like a charm. If she is ready to go after something or someone "leave it" works. I've tried ignoring her, yelling at her, bribing her, and everything else I could think of.

    Anyone else have any tips??
    Emily, Kito, Abbey, Riley, and Jada

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2001
    From your last few posts regarding Abbey, it sounds like you may be having some leadership issues.

    Is she allowed on the furniture? If she is, you might need to break her of that (at least until she's under your control). You might want to try the NILIF (Nothing in Life is Free) approach and make her work for *everything*.

    If she blatantly disobeys you and you can't get her under control, I'd put her on a tie-down (leash tied to table leg or somewhere sturdy) for 10 minutes or so. Just calmly put her on the leash and walk away. Don't scold her or show too much emotion as that can get her worked up even more. You said scolding won't work anyway.

    When you go to let her off of her tie down, make her sit or down before you release her. You might want to have her wait for an official release word too. After that, try a few more commands.

    Just keep her listening to you at all times. Work on several exercises daily with the commands she knows. Whenever she doesn't listen, put her on the tie-down.

    I hope you can find something that works!
    Shiloh, Reece, Lolly, Skylar
    and fosters Snickers, Missy, Magic, Merlin, Maya

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    State College, PA
    Thanks Aly.

    I thought it may be leadership issues as well. None of the dogs are allowed on the furniture, so that step is taken care of.

    I suppose I will try the tie down, but might that aggravate her even more, if the other 3 are free, and she isn't?? I don't know.

    She is a good, sweet girl, and I hate to see her misbehave like this.

    This behavior of hers is not acceptable, of course, so I will try anything. It has only started to show since Jada's "honeymoon" phase has been over, so I have to think it has something to do with her too.

    Our neighbors are in the process of working with the best behaviorist in the area with their dog, because he has gone after 2 or 3 children. I am going to see what they say about him, and possibly take her out to meet with him.
    Emily, Kito, Abbey, Riley, and Jada

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2001
    You're right, it probably does have something to do with Jada. She's probably trying even harder to establish herself among the pack now. If you can, tie her down where the other dogs can't get to her or even confine her to the bathroom for 10 minutes. I am sure she would get worked up if she was able to see the other dogs during her "time out".

    Shiloh, Reece, Lolly, Skylar
    and fosters Snickers, Missy, Magic, Merlin, Maya

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    My dog had the same problem, what i did was when she when to nip, i yelled loudly OUCH no bite! after a while it worked,but you have to do it every time. I learned that from a great trainer that helped me train my dog. hope it works for you too
    sasha,stone,gemini,sissy,shawna(me)and jim (my bf)

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