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Thread: Presley getting spayed.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    B.C Canada

    Presley getting spayed.

    Well I know I have posted here before about breeding my Presley in a few years. She is still a baby, Only 5 months and yesterday was kind of a wake up call to what i would have to expect if i didn't get her spayed. There is a male rottie (who is not fixed) that hangs around my house. He lives 4 door up and he has taken a liking to Presley. (Now a week ago Presley did start to bleed (in season?) I took her into the vets because she is so young. He said not to worry she is fine and healthy and so on. She only bled for a couple of days so I don't believe she was in heat. I have heard the first heat is awfully messy.) Well I was playing fetch with her in the front yard and she has always listened to me so well.. If i call Come Presley Come she will run and almost jump into my arms. Also she stops if i blow the whistle once and she downs if i do it three times.. Well Yesterday this rottie was out and when i was playing with her she took off between two houses and ran out into a busy street with this dog.. I didn't even see this dog. The whole thing Really freaked me out, It was like i was talking to the wall. She was looking at me like.. Who the heck is Presley.. It was when i turned my back she came running to me. She is not allowed off her long lead again untill she can be trusted. I do not know if her attitude and not willing to listen to me over the past 5 days has been because of this odd bleeding or maturing or what.. But i want so much for her and i can not see something horrible happening to her because she is in season and all she is thinking about is being bred. So i am making the best decision i can for her and i am getting her spayed. I don't think mentally i could handle her getting free from me and wandering off. The breeder i got her from warned me she will run away when she goes into heat. That i will not mean anything to her.
    Now i ask a question.. When is the best time to do this? I have read many things pros and cons about doing it too soon or waiting untill they are 9 to 12 months? I really don't want something to happen and i defently don't want her getting bred by (this will sound so horrible but...) a dog that i didn't pick out for her. Well getting bred period. She is FAR too young. 2-3yo maybe but anytime under a year is just crazy.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Off to the races....
    We just had Cincy spayed last Monday (4/8). She was just past 6 months (3/26). Some vets will do it younger, others say they have to be at least 6 months. I don't think waiting til they are a little older is bad, it just gives more time for "accidents" to happen. I think it is more important that the dogs are at a good weight and healthy.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Pennsylvania, USA
    Didn't the vet give you any idea what the bleeding was? It doesn't sound like a heat cycle. Heat cycles last 21 days. I week going in, one week in, and one week going out. You will see swelling of the vulva and blood dripping. Smaller dogs are harder to tell but Presley should be easy to tell. The most critical days are between 9 and 14 on average. But it is better to be safe than sorry and not have exposure at all. Sperm can live up to 48 to 72 hours in the uterus.

    Having her spayed would be ok around 6 or 7 months. If she is in heat though you want to wait until about 1 month after the bleeding stops. Having them spayed during the cycle produces more chance for things to happen because of the extra blood flow to that area. Giving it a month after will give everything time to get back to normal.

    Basically some vets will do this procedure even if the female is in season. I have heard of things going bad though because of that.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    B.C Canada
    Thank you, No he didn't but Presley was only bleeding for 2 days then and then the day after the vets she pretty much stopped. I am thinking of taking her to another vet who is a hour away and seeing if maybe she has a infection or something. I didn't realise the heat cycle was 21 days. I thought it was 7-14.... wow i was off! I also have another question. Will getting her spayed have any effect on her growing?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Pennsylvania, USA
    No. It will slow down the metabolism slightly so watch for her getting too heavy. It will not effect her growth. If she is active and reguarly exercised it should not effect her weight either.

    Getting her spayed will also keep her from getting certain kinds of cancers too.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    B.C Canada
    Thank you Candy.She is forsure getting spayed. I was reading a bunch on it today and i do think it is best.. I can always get her a sister or brother later on

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