The girls were so happy last night when Meowmie walked in the door! They were all waiting for their pets and loving and wanting to love me back and let me know how much they missed me. Going to bed was an experience. Boo was waiting and it was her time to get all the loving she could handle and beg for more when I tried to go to sleep. Finally she realized I was really tired and agreed to let me go to sleep... Then Amy started. I decided to leve her out of the bedroom so I could get some sleep but she had another plan, sit at the door and give Meowmie that pitiful "MEW!.....MEW!.......MEWMEW!" and kept it up until I gave up and let her in. Then she cracked me up by how fast she was on the bed and she was so excited she could hardly walk so she would fling herself at me and she wouldn't land close enough so she would try to stand up again and fling herself at me again, she kept getting up as best she could and fling herself until she finally landed on my chest where she dug in to stay and I could pet her and recieve her purring, loving and sweetness.. That is where she was when I went to sleep..

However, when I woke up this morning, Samantha was on my chest where Amy had been when I went to sleep and Amy was pressed at my hip and Boo at my knee, ALL PURRING! What a wonderful sweet, loving way to wake up my first day back. HOME! There no place like HOME and with my babies!!

Now, to catch up here!