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Thread: At the very end of my rope....

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Fayetteville, NC (stedman)

    At the very end of my rope....

    I have been so frustrated lately. I have so much going on, and Suzie is starting peeing wars with the other cats.

    She pees on everything, my NEW furniture, the carpets, oven, dryer/washer, floors, top of fridge(so that it runs down the sides), cabinets, INSIDE cabinets, counters, clothes, walls, desk, LAPTOP, EVERYTHING! She has been doing this for years now. Sometimes, I wish I would have never took her in. She has been the WORST cat ever.

    Now, she has gotten 4 OTHER cats to start peeing where she does. I find ATLEAST 10 spots per day. She has been to the vet constantly, has cost me TONS of money, and NOTHING is wrong medically with her. NOTHING.

    I have tried Prozac, amitriptylin, seperating her, everything. I tried the feliway plug ins, But they are too expensive, and this house is too big to buy as many as it would take../

    This is a brand new house, we use half of our income to pay for it. Now it smells like pee.. We work too hard to pay for this place, to have it ruined. I have 19 pets, and she is BY FAR the worst of the worse.

    Something has got to change, and NOW! I cant do this anymore. Really. It has been 4 years of me trying everything, new vets, different tests, different litters, different potty pans, and locations, sprays, cleaners, pills, even a pet psychic! The vets say put her down, at to be honest, it IS coming to that.

    I know that sounds bad, and I sound like a bad owner, but I dont know anyone else who puts up with this crap for 4 years. It is ridiculous. I cant even have company over, or stay the night. If I do, they must lock their stuff in a closet, and try explaining why... SO embarrassing. Esp when your cat PEES in their pocketbook

    I refuse to cage her forever, I dont have to money to get a cage anyways. I have NO more rooms to put her in. I am at the VERY END of my rope... I just needed to vent. IF anyone knows of someone with a barn, or a outdoor enclosure, Please let me know. Suzies VERY MAD MEOWMIE
    Last edited by kt_luvs_kitties; 12-16-2008 at 12:29 AM.

    Thank you so much Michelle!

    Please be responsible, spay and neuter your pets!

    I've been BOO'd!!! Thanks Lori!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Arizona, USA
    Oh my. Suzie, have you been a very bad girl this year?? Stop it, or you might get coal in your stocking! *giggles* My mom doesn't know any solution to it but Mom keeps us in a screened in porch with all our belongings. Does your meowmy have a screened in porch? Misty (me) has been throwing up in the hallway whenever I come in or anywhere else. I do not go to the bathroom, but I throw up. I'm also a VERY bad kitten this year. This is my first year of living and Mom can't stand to put me down. Mom says your meowmy doesn't sound like a bad owner at all. Mom wishes she could do something for me that keeps her ankles & wrists safe from my claws but I am UNSTOPPABLE!!

  3. #3
    You mentioned that you've tried Prozac and Ametryptilene but have you tried Clomicalm? Forgive me if I suggested this previously but I've had such good success w/it w/no side effects in any of my cats. They each get 1/4 of a 20 mg. pill at night before bed and there have been no pee incidents since. The key is to be consistent (don't miss a dose) and to give it to them before bed. It keeps them calm so that they sleep well but it doesn't drug them and it has a slight residual effect so that they behave during the day. It's been a godsend for this household. Some vets say that it takes a while to work but it began working immediately for my cats. Some people have a generic liquid compounded or a generic capsule made because they're less expensive but they also have not seen as much success w/it. I bit the bullet and bought the pills and no more inappropriate peeing. It costs $34 for a one month supply and it's worth every penny. Why not talk to your vet about it? It'll save your house and your sanity. Good luck. I know how frustrating and embarrassing it can be. I had 4 out of control cats until I started them on Clomicalm.

    "Time and unforeseen occurrence befall us all." Ecclesiastes 9:11

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    SE USA
    Gee, I can see where you are at your wits end. I would be too after 4 years of one peeing all over my house. Is there anyway you could just put her out of the house and make her an outside cat? I would not judge or criticize anyone for doing what they have to in a case like this.. I know you have done and tried everything possiable to fix the problem and when she has the rest of them doing it, you HAVE to do something and do it fast!

    Special Needs Pets just leave bigger imprints on your heart!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Alberta, Canada
    Katie...if you can hang on til January, or if you are in touch with more friends and family than usual this time of year, you may have to think about rehoming your fosters.

    I KNOW how you love your kitties, and the bond they have with you...but a new home for even two of them could make a difference. Peeing is territorial.

    "Do or do not. There is no try." -- Yoda

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Methuen, MA; USA
    Yeah, what Candace said. It is all behavioural. She is stressed and feels the need to mark her territory.

    Vita is my Queen here, thank heavens I only have ONE Queen! She started peeing in January, when Tommy & Tuppence arrived. For months, I thought it was dear Ozzy, as he was an old dog with no house training. Finally leanred the "truth" in September. Since then, I've used Catty1's method, a strip of fabric over her collar, and spray the fabric with Feliway. If I spray Mon, Wed and Fri, we are good. If I miss a day, Vita is marking territory again.

    Thank goodness, Vita is not peeing on furniture. She will mark any piece of fabric she finds on the floor - from pet beds to catnip mice!

    Can you keep her in a room with just a few kitties for a while to help her calm down and adjust? I hope you can find a solution, even if it means rehoming.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Thats sad that you try and help that pooor homeless Cat, and she ends up making a mess of everything.
    I hope that theres someway you can get a home where she can be the only Cat.
    Thats so sad when our good intentions go so wrong



  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Santa Paula, CA
    Katie, I'm so sorry to hear this. I don't think that I could take this kind of behavior either. I'm sorry to hear that even prozac didn't work for her because I've heard so many great things about it. Right now both Starr and Storm are on a generic form of prozac to help calm them down because Storm was attacking Starr and this was causing Starr to start pooping outside of the litter box again. So far it's working out great for them and they're both much calmer.

    I know that you said that you've tried different litters but have you tried Cat Attract Litter? You can buy it at Petsmart and it also comes with a booklet inside of it with coupons and great ideas about how to deal with behavioral issues in cats. I hope that you'll be able to find a solution soon. Good luck.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Oh Katie, you have my sympathy. I totally understand about the frustration (and anger) and being at the end of your rope. I was ready to just open the door and let a few of mine experience the great outdoors a couple months ago. Fortunately the generic Prozac has been wonderful for Rocky and Scout's feeling better with her kidney and bladder stones so she's stopped (knock on wood) but now Rumor has started. She did it the first time two weeks ago immediately after I plugged in a new Feliway refill. I've since unplugged all the feliways but she has continued to pee in that area. I talked to the vet about it and after discussing it we've decided that with Rocky mellow on Prozac the pecking order in the house has changed and Scout is now picking on Rumor and this is how she is dealing with it. I don't have a clue how to handle that.

    I'm so sick of it. I get one cat stopped and another one starts. When will it end!!!!

    I can share one thing that has helped me and maybe I've already told you this but Zero Odor is great for getting rid of the pee smell. My vet recommended it and you have to order online or by phone but so far it's been worth every penny. It's the first product that I've found that really gets rid of the urine smell in carpet. I've read that it can bleach dark colored carpet but mine is light and I have no problem.

    From Decker with Love

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Fayetteville, NC (stedman)
    Thank you all for the advice and support.

    I am worn down, I just cant handle it.

    I know this sounds terrible, It really does, but I REFUSE to get rid of any of the others on account of Suzie. She isnt a nice cat, you cant pet her. She bites. She did attack the other cats, until recently, when they fought back. Now she has stopped that.

    I only have 2 fosters, and I plan on adopting them out. Wylie and Splinter. But not until Christmas is over, because I dont want them to be presents, and then get thrown out because they are unwanted. And I am VERY picky about who adopts. I ask tons of questions, do home check, vet check. So it does take time to find people willing to do all that, when they can get another kitten from someone super easy.

    She was like this when I only had 7 cats. She has ALWAYS been a pee'r. From 4-5 months old, she would pee on everything. I really dont think it is the other cats, I think she just likes to pee whereever she can.

    I havent tried the clomicalm, or the cat attract litter. I have 11 potty pans, would I have to buy for each pan, or could I just put some in each?

    I WISH I had a screened porch! Or a garage, her little behind would have been put in there years ago

    Thanks again, my mother is taking her cat to the vet tomorrow, so I am going to call and see if the vet will write her a prescription for the clomicalm. I wont be able to go this week, so I hope he will and I can get it from her.
    If that doesnt work, I am going to rehome her to a barn or something. I really am done with trying to make her better ( I say this as I agree to try more meds )

    Katie and kitties

    Thank you so much Michelle!

    Please be responsible, spay and neuter your pets!

    I've been BOO'd!!! Thanks Lori!

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Southern Ohio
    Oh Katie, I feel your frustration!! I've had a bad problem here for the last 2 years. There's no doubt it is territorial. Like you, I tried just about everything. I finally moved the ones that I have actually caught in the act into a one room cottage out back. Right now I have 7 out there. I've had them there for a little over a year now, and they haven't been spraying out there. I hate not having them in here with me but they were destroying our home. Like you I was embarrassed to have any company. I still am because of the cat hair. It is a constant battle. I still find a couple of spots where someone is still spraying. But nothing like it was. You should never feel like a bad owner!! You are a wonderful, loving meowmie!! We can only take so much. I was talking to a lady last week and she was telling me about a cat she had that was just like your bad girl. She spent a lot of money taking her to vets to see if there was anything physically wrong. It was behaviorial. There were no other cats, either. She tried everything. She knew she couldn't rehome her and since she had her declawed she couldn't put her outside. Sadly, she had her pts. It broke her heart but her vet even recommended it. Personally, there is no way I could do that. Katie, I wish I could help you, I know it's just awful and it's very depressing. You vent all you want to. Been there, done that!

    Big ole hug,

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Virginia, USA

    Cat condo

    I know how bad it sucks to have a cat pee on everything. It's embarassing, it stinks and it's just terrible. Perhaps you can borrow a cat condo or something from someone and put her in it for a week with litter box and food/water and kind of retrain her on using the litter box. You may have already tried this, but I know the rescue group I work with suggests this when people have problem pee'rs and I think it's worked pretty well. If not, I hope she can find a barn as a forever home instead of being put down.

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by kt_luvs_kitties View Post
    Thank you all for the advice and support.

    I am worn down, I just cant handle it.

    I know this sounds terrible, It really does, but I REFUSE to get rid of any of the others on account of Suzie. She isnt a nice cat, you cant pet her. She bites. She did attack the other cats, until recently, when they fought back. Now she has stopped that.

    I only have 2 fosters, and I plan on adopting them out. Wylie and Splinter. But not until Christmas is over, because I dont want them to be presents, and then get thrown out because they are unwanted. And I am VERY picky about who adopts. I ask tons of questions, do home check, vet check. So it does take time to find people willing to do all that, when they can get another kitten from someone super easy.

    She was like this when I only had 7 cats. She has ALWAYS been a pee'r. From 4-5 months old, she would pee on everything. I really dont think it is the other cats, I think she just likes to pee whereever she can.

    I havent tried the clomicalm, or the cat attract litter. I have 11 potty pans, would I have to buy for each pan, or could I just put some in each?

    I WISH I had a screened porch! Or a garage, her little behind would have been put in there years ago

    Thanks again, my mother is taking her cat to the vet tomorrow, so I am going to call and see if the vet will write her a prescription for the clomicalm. I wont be able to go this week, so I hope he will and I can get it from her.
    If that doesnt work, I am going to rehome her to a barn or something. I really am done with trying to make her better ( I say this as I agree to try more meds )

    Katie and kitties
    One more thing about Clomicalm: your vet may be surprised when you request it because it's recommended for dogs w/behavioral problems and/or separation anxiety. Also, s/he may say that it hasn't been approved for cats yet but neither has Ametryptilene and vets prescribe that drug for inappropriate spraying quite often. So if you really want to give it a try, be insistent about it. Fortunately, my vet will try whatever works. As I said, it's been a godsend to this household. Good luck.

    "Time and unforeseen occurrence befall us all." Ecclesiastes 9:11

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA
    Oh Katie... I am so sorry. What a nightmare. I wish I had the magical suggestion that would solve all the problems.

    I hope the Clomicalm will work or one of the other suggestions here will be helpful.

    God bless.

    I meant," said Ipslore bitterly, "what is there in this world that truly makes living worthwhile?"
    Death thought about it.
    CATS, he said eventually. CATS ARE NICE.

    -- Terry Pratchett (1948—2015), Sourcery

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    New York
    I have a semi-feral, Gracie, that my sister rescued about four years ago. Gracie was peeing all over the house, more so after cat #13 showed up at my house this summer. She is now in a large cage 28x36 in the living room and seems very happy and secure there. When I clean her box and feed her she makes no attempt to escape from the cage. I put a blanket over the cage, leaving just the front open, to give her more privacy. I don't like the thought of keeping her in the cage for the rest of her life, but there is no good alternative. Who would adopt a cat that pees all over?

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