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Thread: mmm...Wind, Rain, Thunder, Lightning, Darkness, & "a Tornado??"

  1. #1

    mmm...Wind, Rain, Thunder, Lightning, Darkness, & "a Tornado??"

    Its been a very odd day today. It was very dark & cloudy when I went to work today. about 9:30am the power in College Square went out (for like 10 mins or so). I look outside & its BLACK outside.

    Later on in the day I could hear the rain hitting the roof. I knew it had to be bad so I looked outside & souldn't see to much (I'm standing at the back of the store in my little Post Office looking out the HUGE windows at the front). A postman buzzes my door. I open it & he was soaked just from buzzing my door!! It was coming down hard. But stopped soon. On & off, on & off, on & off it poured cats & dogs. It was dark the whole time.

    An employee told me that their was a Tornado about 30 mins away from our City (The City Of Ottawa)!! I said good luck with that, I'm going home. But if anythign happeneds u guys have to call me cause I'm the health & safety person & need to know when the lights r out & so on (boo).

    Well on my way home it was kinda freaky & neat. I have to bus from work to home which is about a 30 min ride, & from the time I leave work to the time I step into the house it takes an hour to get home.

    The 118 Kanata was on Robertson Rd in the middle of Bell Corner when the lightning really hit. I was behind the driver so I missed it all, I could only see the sky get brighter & then dark again. But I did see a cool one.

    it was a straight upward one, it was SUPER thick, ok all the lightning today was super thick, but as soon as I saw this one, u could heard a horrible BOOM & the bottom of the strike was a huge flash, I know it hit something it was soo cool.

    I got off the bus at my stop & was dissapointed that Rob wasn't waiting in the car for me. I just assumed he thought it would be funny to let me walk in the storm.

    I was about a block from my stop & the Rob pulled up, YAY, but I was already soaked . The guys teased me for wearing a blue kids rain jacket (adult is too big) & said I should have just walked home in my WHITE shirt. Pigs..

    But they bought cookies so everything was all better

    Its still storming outside. I heard its going from one end of the country right to the other.

    I hope its nice on my holidays that I start next week

  2. #2


    Sounds kinda scary at first. A tornado huh? Where do you live? Well, at least you got to have cookies right? lol!!!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Kansas, USA
    Welcome to MY world. Kansas gets that stuff on a regular basis. Did the sky turn greenish? That's usually a sign of hail that can come along with a tornado.

    Glad you are safe!
    No matter what anyone does, someone some where will be offended some how!!!!
    Grandma (RB), Chester, Angel, Chip

    Leonardo (RB), Luke (RB), Winnie, Chuck,



  4. #4


    Does that mean a tornado will happen?

  5. #5
    We can get hail when the skies look clear!! I don't think green means anything up here

    I'm in Ottawa/Ontario/Canada

    Tornados r very rare up here, But when we get them I don't think their too bad. We get hurrican winds & all they do is uproot trees

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