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Thread: Apple Ipod.. suggestions and thoughts, please..

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Cleveland, Ohio

    Apple Ipod.. suggestions and thoughts, please..

    So, I'm considering into getting an Apple Ipod.. probably a 30GB, since it holds up to 7,500 songs.. then again, I'm looking into a 60GB which holds up to 15,000 songs.. but there's the Ipod Nano, a 4GB, which holds up to 1,000 songs..

    I am not sure which one I should look into.. although I LOVE music, and I am constantly adding songs on my mp3 player I currently have but it only holds up to 270 songs, so I have to delete in order to add more onto it, which I don't like doing..

    So, if you have one, what would you recommend, do you like it? Any problems? What's the best thing about it? What's the worst thing about it? Thanks! Let me know please, I am planning to get one probably at the end of this month or next month...

    Instead of getting a new cell phone, I want to get an Apple Ipod..
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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2001
    Indianapolis, IN
    I have a 30GB iPod, and still haven't filled it up yet
    I love it! I bought an iPod arm band and clip so I can clip it to my shorts or wrap it around my arm when I exercise. You can also buy speaker attachments so you can listen to it just like a CD player or radio! It's pretty all purpose. I would recommend the 30GB if you think you'll have more songs than a nano would fill.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Chicago, Illinois
    I have the 30GB Apple Ipod, too. I'm really happy with mine! The only problems I've had are that the battery gets eaten up pretty quickly and the screen scratches very easily.

    I haven't filled it up yet, either. I only have 200 songs or so. I bought it mostly to watch TV shows on for those long family car trips while my sisters watch movies I've seen a hundred times...

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  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    I'm madly in love with my 30GB iPod! One very cool feature is that you can combine photos with music to create a slideshow, then cable the iPod to the TV to show it. Cable sold separately, of course.

    You can get a screen protector to avoid scratches, which I'd definitely recommend.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    I have an Ipod mini, they don't sell them anymore. I would totally reccomend an ipod if you LOVE music and if you don't don't get one. Ipods hold lots of songs, so if you don't like to much songs its a waste of money, Just get a regular MP3 player. I think it really depends on if you listen to music alot. Get the one with more songs if you do. I was going to get an Ipod Video but got talked out of it, which is a good thing because my mini isn't filled yet.

    Anyway, the best thing, IMO is that they hold so many songs and are easy to use. Ipod videos are great!! They are so cool as you can watch movies(I think)and shows. Also music videos.

    The bad thing is the battery, on mine anyway, it looses power way to fast. For the Ipod nano, which I considered getting, it is so thin it can break or snap VERY easily. If you forget in your jeans pocket then wash them, its history.

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