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Thread: HELP!!!! Redirected aggression out of control

  1. #1

    HELP!!!! Redirected aggression out of control


    I have two cats that used to be best friends. About 1 1/2 years ago there was an episode of redirected aggression and ever since there have even recurring vicious bouts. I do the recommended separation and reintroduction process which usually works for about a month. Something just keeps re-triggering the female to go bonkers. Lately the separation doesn't seem to work for very long. She gets crazy over every little thing now, and goes at the boy with a vengeance. They are both fixed and in good health. Someone kindly suggested using Feliway which I will try but I really have my doubts. It's REALLY bad and I'm thinking about rehoming her which will absolutely crush me. If anyone has any advice I would greatly appreciate it. Im desperate at this point. A lovely lady from Craigslist suggested this site to me after reading an ad I posted there. Thank you, and God bless . . .

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA
    Awww, what a hard situation! Do try the Feliway, and do the incidents tend to happen a particular time of the day or anything? Do they both have "safe spots" to retreat to - a cat tree or some other place the other doesn't like?
    I've Been Frosted

  3. #3
    They have lots of safe paces in the house including a giant cat tree with multi- condos in it. It happens at all times of the day and night . . . no particar pattern. That's why it's so frustrating, because I can't figure it out. I work with horses that have behavior problems. How I wish cats were as uncomplicated as horses. Cats are true mysteries which is why I adore them so much!

    Thank you for your kind concern. :")

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Cincinnati, Ohio USA
    Prescription medication. Prozac.

  5. #5
    I was just going to post what Cataholic's time to start Prozac and re-start the intro process. I applaud you for working with them for so long in what is a truly scary, upsetting situation for both kitties and their people.

    I JUST read a really good article on redirected aggression, which you may have already seen since you've been dealing with it for such a long time, but in case you haven't, here it is:

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Alberta, Canada
    Another member highly recommends Clomicalm, which is often used for dogs but has worked very well in her clowder of cats (I think she has about 5 of them?).

    I think it's medication time unless the Feliway does work. Good luck!
    "Do or do not. There is no try." -- Yoda

  7. #7

    Thank you!

    I'm comfortable with using a pheromone but not the Prozac or Clomicalm. I was on them myself (both prozac and klonapin) for years and when I went off them I had excruciating withdrawal symptoms. This kitty is fine on her own and with people so id rather not drug her. I ordered the Feliway and am praying it works. Thank you all so much for your imput and suggestions. Please keep them coming!

  8. #8


    By the way Snakemama, I have read that wonderful article you posted many times!!!!! Thank you for hunting it down for me. It's so great to get some support with this problem from so many nice people. It seems there's no easy way to treat redirected aggression but I'm still hoping for that one unique trick that might work!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Methuen, MA; USA
    Quote Originally Posted by Roccomimi View Post
    I'm comfortable with using a pheromone but not the Prozac or Clomicalm. I was on them myself (both prozac and klonapin) for years and when I went off them I had excruciating withdrawal symptoms. This kitty is fine on her own and with people so id rather not drug her. I ordered the Feliway and am praying it works. Thank you all so much for your imput and suggestions. Please keep them coming!
    Remember, with people, everyone reacts differently to medicines. Your experience may not be mine, if I used those meds. The same would apply for cats. Some will work fine, and others would have some side effects. Also, the cat may only need a low dose. Just some things to think on, not trying to tell you what to do.

    BTW - I am SO glad you came over here and joined the forum! I'm the one who replied to your CL posting. I sure hope something works so you can keep her, you do sound like you care and love her so much.

    Any chance of photos? What are their names?

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Cataholic View Post
    Prescription medication. Prozac.
    Yes, that is my suggestion, too. I have two cats on it and it hasn't changed their personalities in any way, it hasn't drugged them so that they're dopey (ok, one of them is dopey but that's his personality, LOL) I did have them on Clomicalm before that but it had become increasingly difficult to get it, so I switched to Prozac. It's less expensive if your vet writes a prescription for it rather than buying it from him/her. It really does work. Good luck.

    "Time and unforeseen occurrence befall us all." Ecclesiastes 9:11

  11. #11
    Keep in mind what Freedom said, too. Prozac could be your answer. If you do decide to try it and then later discontinue it, be sure to wean them off it; don't just suddenly stop it. That helps to eliminate withdrawal symptoms.

    "Time and unforeseen occurrence befall us all." Ecclesiastes 9:11

  12. #12

    Thanks All

    Thank you everyone for the kind advise. Thank you Sandie for referring this wonderful site too! WOW!! I can't believe all the critters you have!!! They are all beautiful. I'm so partial to black cats and you have a slew of them! My kitties names are Rocco and Mimi and yes, I just adore them. I will try to post some pics tomorrow. Have a great night all . . .


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