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Thread: Storm Has Crystals Again

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Santa Paula, CA

    Storm Has Crystals Again

    Hi, I brought Storm in on Thursday afternoon for another urinalysis check because he has been licking his pee pee area a lot and the night before I went out of town he was also a little bloody in that area too. The vet couldn't get a urine sample so he had to stay at the vets and receive sub-q fluids.They got a sample at around 6pm.

    I called on Friday but the doctor working with Storm was only there until 12pm and so I guess they never received the results because no one ever called me back. I didn't know that they were closing early on Saturday so by the time I called, they were already closed. They were also closed on Sunday because of the holiday.

    I called today at 12pm but there was only one vet working today because the other one's wife had just had a baby and the one working with Storm won't be in until tomorrow. I told them to please have some one call me with the results. I left my place close to 4:30pm to go down to my parents house so I didn't expect to hear anything today.

    I got home around 7:45pm and I had a message on my answering machine and it was the vet on call. They're only open until 7pm and he had called me at 7:35pm so he must have been very busy today. He said that Storm has a lot of struvite crystals and that his PH is also on the high side. There isn't any bacteria in his urine but he's going to discuss the results with the other doctor that's been working with Storm and I and he may still need to go on antibiotics. I need to call the vets office tomorrow morning to find out more.

    I'm sure that his diet will need to be changed. He was on Royal Canin S/O both wet and dry and I shouldn't have ever taken him off of this but I started feeding my other cats Innova wet and dry food. This is when Storm decided that he wanted what they were eating so he refused to eat his special food. I thought he'd be okay since the wet food has cranberries in it and is supposed to help cats that are prone to UTI's. I also thought that since Cirrus wasn't here any more to stress Storm out that he'd be okay. Now I feel so bad for Storm because I could've prevented all of this. I've been a very bad cat meowmie.

    Whatever happens, all of my cats will have to eventually go on a new diet so Storm will be able to eat the right food. I'm sorry that this post is so long but I'm just very upset with myself right now. Thanks for reading this.

    If I give him sub-q fluids daily, do you think that this will help flush the struvite crystals out. I'm willing to do this if it'll help. Thanks.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2001
    Stockton, CA

    and {{{Storm}}}

    Oh, what a mess. First of all, you are a terrific cat meowmy; don't beat yourself up! Your reasoning was logical, and ... sigh, should've worked.

    Is he home? What does the vet say for food?

    Please give him scritchies from Aunt Amber, poor little guy. And be gentle with yourself, too.
    I'm sometimes asked "Why do you spend so much of your time and money talking about kindness to animals when there is so much cruelty to men?" I answer: "I am working at the roots." -George T. Angell, reformer (1823-1909)

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  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Surrey, BC
    My boy, Augustus had really severe struvite crystals. I fed him Hills S/D dry and it cleared his crystals up in no time. I am now feeding him Summit, which helps prevent crystals. The main cause of crystals in cats is Ash in their food. Too much ash causes acidic urine, which causes Struvites. Too little ash causes alkaline urine which causes calcium oxalate crystals. As long as you keep him on a high quality food, his crystals should subside. Auggys came back a couple of times, thankfully without a blockage. Hope he gets better soon!



  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Sydney Australia
    Please don't beat yourself up KAK, we can only do our best. And we do the best we can with the best intentions because we love our cats the best! I know how hard it is to have to feed one cat a separate diet. I have had to compromise by letting Cleo have half of her special one side of the dish and half of what she used to eat and the other cat Colette still eats, in the other side. Sometimes I have to mix it all up together. Sometimes she will only eat the other cat's and leave her dish untouched and sometimes with the half and half dish she will only eat her special diet It seems no matter what I do she will change her preference and outwit me whenever I think I've got it sussed. - (sorry that's when I've understood what she needs - for our English -2nd language friends.) You haven't been a bad meowmie at all, just that sometimes our furkids are very bad to us!!!

    Have you tried feeding Storm separately in his own little room- laundry bathroom wherever? or by holding the dish to coax him to eat it? I have to do this now hard when you are working full time I know.

    Anyway good luck with the discussion with the vets and let us know what transpires.
    There are two means of refuge from the miseries of life: music and cats. (Albert Schweitzer)

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Richmond, BC
    If your other cats like it, it's safe to have them all on the Royal Canin S/O. That way you would be sure that none of them would ever get the crystals, and since boy cats are more prone to it, it wouldn't hurt.

    Hopefully things will clear up for him soon!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Poor Storm. Some cats simply NEED to eat the prescription diet......forever! And yes, all your cats can safely eat it so then there would be no trouble with switching bowls.

    Just for info, crystal formation and a UTI (urinary tract infection) are different. The cranberries might help keep bacteria from growing, but I don't think they do much to prevent crystal formation.

    Using sub-Q fluid should help flush the bladder, crystals and all, but it may not be necessary. Your vet will let you know.

    Now, don't beat yourself us. Many (if not most) of us have make an inadvertant error in judgement, I know I certainly have.

    Storm will get better soon, do not worry.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2001
    South Hero Vermont

    try getting these cranberry treats

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    I know the way to San Jose!
    Poor Storm! I'm sure the reason he was standoffish with Pearl after her spay was that the scent of the vet's office reminded him of his illness.

    You be OK, too. I probably would have done the same with the information you had. Maybe if you presented some of the prescription dry food to Storm as HIS SPECIAL TREAT (i.e. on your fingers), he would eat it more readily.

    Please tell him that Don Juan, Zerlina and Aunt Liz all hope he gets well soon.

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  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Middle of Germany
    Poor Storm! I hope he will feel much better soon with a new diet. I know these things are not easy, especially when it's a multicat household and different diets are required...

    Could be that I'm facing the same with Luna again... Her urine sample is at the vet's now and I'm getting the results tomorrow.


  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Santa Paula, CA
    Thanks everyone. I'm feeling better now. Storm's vet won't be in until 10am so I called and left a voice mail for her to call me at work. I'll update you tonight to let you know what she says.

    I've tried feeding Storm in a separate room before and he doesn't like it at all. He's so used to being out in the main room and being able to eat near Sky and Sunny. The kittens eat in my bedroom so I'll still be able to feed them the Innova food for a while. Sunny and especially Sky will have to switch to the new special food. Storm and Sky like to eat from each others bowls.

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    Middle of Germany
    Storm and Sky like to eat from each others bowls.
    It's the same with Luna and Lily, so I can relate to that problem. Also, they do not eat their food all at once, so it will be impossible to feed them different diets.

    Best wishes for Storm, and good luck regarding the diet!


  12. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Santa Paula, CA


    I had to call my vets office 2 times while I was at work because I still hadn't heard back from the vet. She was the only vet there today and was in surgery most of the day. I called the second time at 6pm and she was in surgery again performing an emergency surgery. I decided to stop by on my way home from work and just as I stepped inside at 6:30pm, she was called in for another emergency surgery and would probably be there until 9pm.

    Luckily the receptionist was able to go talk to her and she told me that Storm's new diet is the Royal Canin S/O diet again and that he needs to be seen in 3 months for another urinalysis. They had some in stock so I bought a medium sized bag and also a case of wet food. I ordered 2 large bags and 2 more cases of wet food and it should be here some time next week. Storm doesn't need any antibiotics or any sub-q fluids either so I'm glad about this.

    The new food is a hit so far. I only gave Storm some of the dry food because I have to refrigerate the wet food first or he won't eat it. I know he's strange.
    I put some of the new dry food out and mixed it with a little bit of the Innova Lite dry food so they could free feed. Everyone loved the Royal Canin S/O so much that only the Innova Lite dry was left. I guess the new food has a higher fat content than the old dry. Whatever it is, I won't have a hard time convincing my furkids to eat it.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    I am glad that all that is needed is the food. Simple enough. And as soon as everyone eats it, you can feel more confident that you won't have too many more urinary problems.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Georgia, USA
    Poor Storm.

    Glad the babies are eating the new food. Hope he is better soon. Give him a big kitty kiss for me!

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  15. #15
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Middle of Germany
    I'm glad that he likes his new diet, and I'm pretty sure the new food will help him to get rid of the nasty crystals.

    I wish you a speedy recovery, Storm!


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