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Thread: Phoenix

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2001
    Greenville, SC, USA


    What a wonderful end to such a tragic story. Phoenix certainly stole my heart immediately. I am glad that life is so good now for this boy.

    Thanks for sharing Phoenix with us and letting us know about another good rescue group. Congratulations, Phoenix, on being a most deserving Sunday Dog of the Day!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2001
    Palm Harbor, Fl, USA
    awww i was hopeing to be first to say congrads to this beautiful GSD!!!!

    When i saw you in the lil box for dog of the day my jaw dropped! You are such and handsom lil boy!!! (or shall i say big boy.)

    I fell in Love right then!! I bet you are the sweetest dog in the world.
    Use that handsom face today to get some snacks from mom. Congrads sweet Phoenix, on being today's Dog Of The Day!



  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2001
    San Diego, California USA
    Phoenix is gorgous. What a wonderful story, I am so glad Phoenix found a happy, loving, special home. Congradulations Phoenix for being the very Best Dog of the Day.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2001
    NY, NY
    Phoenix, you are so beautiful!! And your mom is terrific for saving you from your once-miserable existence. You both have many years of happiness ahead of you. I like the way your mom described you as her "heart dog".

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Geneva, IL USA
    Phoenix, what an appropriate name you have. And what a gorgeous boy you are. I happen to think all GSDs are simply stunning but you do have something extra that makes me take a another look. I bet the heads turn when you and your mom go for a walk.

    Phoenix, I am so glad you are our Dog of the Day and have consented to have your story told here. We are all so proud to have you represent all the doggies in the whole world on this your very special day. And we are so happy that your life has turned around and that now you will be able to be all the dog you were meant to be. Congratulations on all counts dear, dear Phoenix.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    Another moving testement to the power of love over adversity! Phoenix, you truly have risen from the ashes to become a magnificent dog, healthy, whole and ready to take on the world!! Thanks to your loving family, and to the GSD Rescue Referral Group for giving you this wonderful, most deserved, second chance! And what a handome boy you are Phoenix! I agree with Rachel...All heads must turn with a broad smile whenever you walk by. I know that your future holds only the best that life has to offer! We salute you, brave boy! Our Dog of the Day! Phoenix...The GSD who perservered to rise from the ashes. May your inner light forever shine brightly!!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2000
    What a handsome boy you are!!!! What a wonderful rescue story. I love rescue stories, but I especially love those involving GSDs!! You have risen out of the ashes to a new world. Hats off to your family for seeing your inner beauty. Have a long and wonderful life!
    I just love it!


  8. #8
    What a beautiful story. Phoenix is a very lucky dog to have found parents like you. Thank God there are caring people out there like you. He is a gorgeous dog and you both are lucky to have each other.

    Congrats Phoenix! Being dog of the day is a great honor!


  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2001
    Phoenix, you are a beauty! You are soooo handsome! My girl sadie thinks you're sooo handsome, too!! I love GSD's!! Congrats on being Dog of the Day!

    ***Sadie May and LabLover***

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2001
    Such a beautiful story to go along with a beautiful dog. How lucky you are to find such a loving home.. and you deserve every ounce of love you're given. You're an excellent reminder to anyone looking for a dog to go check their local rescues! Thank you sweet Phoenix.. enjoy your day

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2001
    How lucky you are, Phoenix, to have beeen offered a new lease on life by such a loving, patient and supportive human! Best wishes for continued happiness, and may other dogs who have also not had a pleasant start in life become as fortunate as you.

    Regards ~ AvaJoy

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2000
    Phoenix, you are wonderful & so are all the people who've helped you towards the great life you were destined to live. Would you please pass on a message to the folks at German Shepherd Rescue in Houston? Their website is the BEST breed rescue site I've ever seen.
    You're the Dog of the Year in my opinion, Phoenix, as well as Dog of the Day.

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