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Thread: bad eye sight

  1. #1

    bad eye sight

    i also got some other bad news. Buster is losing he's eye sight. the vet and my family, have knowm about this for a year now, i jut wanna know. even though theres fog over hes eyes he can still sense whos touching him, but im afriade that the older he gets he'll be blind completely, and also he'll lose hes hearing. Like you all said before take him to the vet for his smell. we'll we kinda short on on the money for that isnt something we have, but thanks for the 2 people who talked to me about it. I just wanna know if there any thing i can do at home to help slow down hes deterashen(sp) he's the only one keeping use together. also every time buster drinks water about and hour and a half later he has to go out.?
    ~~rini & Buster~~
    Last edited by princessrini1011; 12-20-2002 at 04:54 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Tucson, Az
    I recently took care of a dog that was pretty old, he was a greyhound mix. He's mostly deaf and blind, but he still got around fine. When I would walk in the house he couldn't hear me so I would scream for him at the top of my lungs then he would come and greet me. He wasn't very active mostly because of his age, but he still enjoyed our daily walks. So while this dog didn't have much vision or hearing left he was still a very happy dog and I'm sure he's still going to be around for a few more years.
    I've been Defrosted!

    Thanks for the great signature Kay!

  3. #3
    I hope the same goes for Buster, like i said he's been there for me sense i was 3. and i just dont know wha i would do with out him comeing to me when he wants help or when i need a smile.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    We all start to slow down when we get older; doggies too. And they count on us to be there to help them. Right now perhaps medical care is not something your family can easily provide. The most important thing, and the thing that Buster most looks for, is your love. And I think you give him plenty of that You might have to help him a bit getting around, speaking a little louder, etc. But having you around him is his greatest comfort. And Rini, he probably will start to need to go out a little more often now too for potty. Their bladders just can't hold it as long as they can when they are younger. I know how hard it is to see our best friends getting older. But just continue to love him and hug him and let him know you're there. You're a very special Mom to your boy Buster. Please give him a big hug from Sandra, Cody and Star And come here to talk whenever you need to.

    Star,Tigg'r , Mollie and the10 Gallon Gang!

    And my Rainbow Bridge Furangels...Jingles, Cody, Fritz, Chessa, Satin, Buddy, Lizzie, Oliver, Squeaker, Moonbeam, Rosie, Ruby~

  5. #5
    thanks Uabassoon and tats. i make sure i give my baby boy buster all i can. He likes to follow me where ever i go and he likes to sleep on my bed with me which he never has done before. i know i seem like some crazy person but im scared he might be trying to find confort in me so he knows i'll be there wen its time for him to go to the rainbow bridge.

    Note from buster:

    Or meybe i just do that because the grounds to hard

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