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Thread: Oh So Scary!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2000

    Oh So Scary!

    Here I am reporting in on another Bella escapade. Today she was sitting in the kitchen chewing on something and since I knew there was no food in her bowl I had to take a look. I walked over to her and pried her little mouth open and tilted her head back a little. Deep inside her mouth was a PUSH PIN!!! It was the kind you use on a cork board. I screamed to my husband who was close by "Bella has a push pin in her mouth!" It was right at the back of her throat on top of her tongue!!! I immediately pushed her little snout forward to get the stick pin away from the back of her throat! Hubby came running and we started to open her mouth again, which was a scary thing because it was so far back and I didn't want her to swallow right then. As it turned out, evidently as I had moved her snout downward with her mouth open I had caused it to fall on the floor. It turns out that it must have fallen off a bulletin board that my husband uses to hold photos, etc. Thank God all was fine but I really do think I have aged over this latest incident. Every time I play that scene over in my head I get weak in the knees!!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA
    Puppies, like toddlers, will immediately be drawn to any dangerous object within reach, and keep us all aware of how scary the world can be! I am glad you found it before it did any damage!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2001
    San Diego, California USA
    Pam, you must have been so scared, thank God you acted so quickly and that Bella came out unharmed. I know what you mean about reliving the horror, I think we all do that in times of real stress when one we love is in danger.
    I was reading on one of the sites about a man who had a pretty large dog and for a couple of years he played catch with his dog with one of those rubber balls with little knobbies on it. He never thought about it and that it was large enough that his dog would not choke on it. One day he threw the ball and he saw his dog was in distress, he couldn't breathe. The ball was stuck in the back of his throat. He couldn't think what to do, he lived in an apt in New York and by the time he got his dog to the Vet it would be too late. Then he thought of holding the dog and putting his hand on his throat and pushing the ball upwards, at first the dog
    squirmed and he got a hold of him again and tried once more, he finally worked the ball up his throat and held it there and reached in with his other hand and got it out. The dog was just fine. This has absolutely nothing to do with your story, but it got me thinking about playing ball with my babies.
    I'm so glad Bella is o.k. and how about some more photos.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Yes she is definitely keeping me on my toes. There is nothing like the curiosity of a puppy! When we first got her I went around and "child-proofed" the home (or so I thought). You can never tell, though, what really strange danger may present itself at some point.

    Jackie that story is incredible! Wow! That poor man must have been shaking when it was all over. Thankfully he was able to react quickly and what he tried worked. Well, you asked for a picture so I'll try and put one here (you don't need to twist my arm! ) Hubby took this a few days ago.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2001
    San Diego, California USA
    Bella is so beautiful, my husband never thought he would like a Poodle, but when he saw Bella he fell in love. I forgot your kittie's name but he, she, is really pretty too. Having a puppie is like having a baby, got to watch everything they get into, but it's worth it. I'm so glad you got to have Bella and I'm even more glad she is o.k.
    Just keep those photos coming, I love looking at everybodys babies, they are all so cute.
    Now on to the next chapter in Bella's life!!!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Geneva, IL USA
    It seems that near disasters have been averted in the last couple days. First Moses and the chocolate Easter eggs and now Bella and the push pins. Pam, I am so glad you have the Mommie's sixth sense that prods one to investigate. A very similar thing happened to me when Hannah was a pup. I was in my office which is next door to the master bedroom. I heard a slight noise of something being cracked. Not an alarming noise but for some reason, I decided to check. Hannah had in her mouth my 7 day pill container. Several of the little box lids were open and I could see pills on the floor. I pried open her mouth and removed it and looked inside her mouth where there was a loose pill. I held her mouth open until the pill fell out. Frantically I counted the pills lying on the floor. Luckily every one was accounted for. Whew! After that I was very careful never to leave my pill container on my night stand.

    How about some captions for your picture?

    "I don't care what they say at Pet Talk, Bella, you are not smelling my feet."

    [This message has been edited by RachelJ (edited April 21, 2001).]

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Portland, Orygun, USA
    "Thanks Trevor, you make a wonderful pillow!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2000
    Never has the Last word.
    WOW! Very scary.
    I can't believe how BIG she has gotten since your little puppy pics!!!
    I saw on Emergency Vets on Animal Planet, a cat had swallowed a sewing needle, it got lodged in the top of its mouth and they used a hemostat and got it out.
    The other day, they had one where a husky swallowed about 30-35 diet pills, each one was equal to one cup of coffee, sadly it lost its battle, but struggled for about 1-2 days before going to the Rainbow Bridge.
    So glad that Hannah and Belle had happy endings.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    Wichita Falls, TX U.S.A.
    I saw the same episode, shai's mom. When I heard Pam's story I imediately thought of that episode of Emergency Vets on Animal Planet there the tabby cat had a sewing kneedle stuck in his throat. That's so scary! Pam I am so glad Bella's OK, that mother instint is amazing stuff, huh?

    Note to Bella: don't chew on shiny metal things...they are not good puppy toys, try to stick to the fluffy, stuffy ones that squeek when you chew on them

    Pam I know that feeling of pure terror. It's scary and it takes awhile to get over. I would have flipped out if that happened to Graham or Cassie...phew...someone upstairs was watching over Bella today that's for sure

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    Just like kids they put everything in
    their mouth. It's funny you can try
    to child proof your house but they
    always seem to find stuff to get into.
    Great observation on your part that you caught her chewing on the pin.
    Glad she is fine.
    Jackie, I through out all my tennis balls
    when I heard stories of dogs possibly choking on them and went out and bought these big old jumbo type tennis

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Rachel I love the line about the feet. Trevor is probably think "I don't have frito feet so you can stop the sniffing!" Here's a better shot of Bella's pretty face.

    [This message has been edited by Pam (edited April 22, 2001).]

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jan 2001
    San Diego, California USA
    Kys, Daisy used to love to catch the tennis balls and the little red ones with the bell in them, I threw them all out and now I play with her with the soft round balls. I know they aren't good for outside, but we play mostly in the house or on the patio. Reading about what happened to that man and his dog cured me.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    posted by jackiesdaisy1935:
    Kys, Daisy used to love to catch the tennis balls and the little red ones with the bell in them, I threw them all out and now I play with her with the soft round balls. >>>>>>

    Rocky had one of those bell balls. It was one of his all time favorite toys.
    I felt so guilty throwing it out.
    Thats when I went out and bought the jumbo size thick balls.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jan 2001
    San Diego, California USA
    Keys, that's really funny, the ball with the bell was Daisy's very favorite too, she would look for it all over the house after I threw it out, but finally settled for the soft one. I noticed that she had been chewing where the hole was for the bell too.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Mar 2001
    Pam - Bella is so precious. Every time I see her I want to just hug her. Reece wishes she lived nearby because he likes taller women Trevor looks like he's ready to put her in her place if need be.

    [This message has been edited by aly (edited April 22, 2001).]

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