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Thread: missing

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2003


    mi favorite hamster is missing. i came home and i noticed that see hadent been out of her house at all sice i came home. so i lifted up her house and she wasnt their so i lifetd up her hosue and she was gone and i dont where she is is because she didnt have a waterbottle and nothing was in her cage or anything like that that she could climb on. i have to kats... one of them nos better then to touch the other animals but my kat persy isnt like that hes usually out in the game room and doesnt no better. i tihnk he mighht hahvvve ate her! he is a picture of mi beutiful tonga i loved her sooo mcuh
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    LiSa NiCoLe

    ~!*&*!~Zane, parker, rizzo, tinkerbell, sounna, noodles, harley, persy, spike, kermit, yoshi, fredrico, tonks, beshy, nikko, bekko, fire~!*&*!~

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Long Island, NY

    OH NO

    I hope that's not what happened!!!! Have you tried leaving treats around his cage so in case he did find some crazy way to come out he'll come back? Good luck!
    I Love my bunnies! Dorian, Wolfgang, Thumper RIP Marshmellow

    I Love my Hamster! GANG$TA

    I Love my Mousies! Cowie and her 12 babies!

    I Love My BF and his Rat Wednesday13!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2003


    i think i might have an idea where she could be cuz i could here rustling this morning. so i am going to put a bunch of treats around to see id shell come out if i cant find her thanks for u support
    LiSa NiCoLe

    ~!*&*!~Zane, parker, rizzo, tinkerbell, sounna, noodles, harley, persy, spike, kermit, yoshi, fredrico, tonks, beshy, nikko, bekko, fire~!*&*!~

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA
    If you think you know where she might be, keep the cats out of that room!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2003


    the oinly time the cats were in mi room were the day she went missin. neither mi cat or mi moms kat like me so they dont usually come into mi room. and ya i make shur to keep the door closed and i put her food at water out
    LiSa NiCoLe

    ~!*&*!~Zane, parker, rizzo, tinkerbell, sounna, noodles, harley, persy, spike, kermit, yoshi, fredrico, tonks, beshy, nikko, bekko, fire~!*&*!~

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Long Island, NY


    I'm so glad there is some hope that she's still around!!! I'll be crossing my fingers!!
    I Love my bunnies! Dorian, Wolfgang, Thumper RIP Marshmellow

    I Love my Hamster! GANG$TA

    I Love my Mousies! Cowie and her 12 babies!

    I Love My BF and his Rat Wednesday13!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    well i think she is really gone now because when i came home mi door was clesed but when i opended there was a cat in there. and she hasnt touched the food i layed out for her.
    LiSa NiCoLe

    ~!*&*!~Zane, parker, rizzo, tinkerbell, sounna, noodles, harley, persy, spike, kermit, yoshi, fredrico, tonks, beshy, nikko, bekko, fire~!*&*!~

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Long Island, NY


    poor little hammie
    I Love my bunnies! Dorian, Wolfgang, Thumper RIP Marshmellow

    I Love my Hamster! GANG$TA

    I Love my Mousies! Cowie and her 12 babies!

    I Love My BF and his Rat Wednesday13!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Is it possible she could have gotten somewhere else in the house?? I used to have a hamster and he got out once. We searched my room EVERY where and never found him. So, we made a trap to catch him in. If you want to make a trap here's what we did. (Also, it isn't harmful to them at all)

    1) You need to get a box of some sort she cant climb out of. A small, but some-what tall, plastic bin is what we used. It worked great because the sides where slippery. But if you don't have one then anything should work.

    2) you get some card board and cut a long strip out of it. The width needs to be about 4 inches and the length depends on how tall the box is. (though you don't want it to be too tall. I would say about 1 ft tall.) The card board need to be able to be propped agianst the box and still have 4-5 inches left sticking over the top.

    3) After that, You get tape and wrap around the top of the card board. Make sure you have the sticky side facing out.

    4) Take some of her food or treats and put them on the tape so the stick.

    5) Put the box somewhere she might be. Make sure that if it's in a room the door is open incase she did happen to get out of the room. (unless you are absolutly sure she is in that room)

    6) Take the card board piece and prop it up agianst the box. Have about 4-5 inches sticking above the top where the food is.

    Hope this helps!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    thanks but mi mom found mi hamster... Err wasnt to pretty. she had to move everything in mi room and take out the carpet cuz mi fishtank broke. and well she toucher her.... she was dead i am pretty upset... but thank you anywayz!!!
    LiSa NiCoLe

    ~!*&*!~Zane, parker, rizzo, tinkerbell, sounna, noodles, harley, persy, spike, kermit, yoshi, fredrico, tonks, beshy, nikko, bekko, fire~!*&*!~

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2004

    oh my Gosh!

    I really hope you find your missing pet back. When I look at your picture, and how cute he was, well, it made me feel so sorry for you. I really hope you find your pet back. And I hope none of your kats a-t-e him. Good luck on finding him. And well, if he died... R.I.P. little hamster.

    "Today is the tomorrow we worried about yesterday." - unknown author

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    im so sorry

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