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Thread: I don't know what to do! It's such a hard choice!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2006

    I don't know what to do! It's such a hard choice!

    Basic conditionng for track(school) starts tomorrow. By monday after next, I have to choose between it and riding. I don't know what to do!I've made so many friends riding on Fridays at 4. BUT If you have 2 unexcused absences, your kicked off the team. And there are practices 5 days a week, 2:30 - 4:30. I thought about switching to 6:00 riding, but I'd be really tired. BUT I would still be able to see my 4:00 friends(gettin ready to leave). My mom says she doesnt wanna do friday nights, tho. I don't know what to do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I really want to do track, but I would hate to have to ride on Saturday or Sunday. And I have caticism(sp) On mondays...starting at 4:45. I REALLY want to do track though...even though we don't have an actual track, we were ranked 3 in the county last year :]

    I'mnot asking you do make this descision for me, I just..I don't know. I needed to tell someone.

    in on the joke and i cant stop laughing

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    I decided to keep riding. There's always next year for track, and I can always run with my dog. I can't just do horseback riding in my backyard. Today was really hard(I took the winter off...sorta been a couchpotato that wont stop moving ) We warmed up with 2 laps around our school - 3 laps is a mile. Then our warm-ups. Then 25 pushups. 5 of them were sprinters push-ups(fingertips). Then we did our knee-highs around the parking lot. Then our butt-kicks around the parking lot(both are pretty self-explainatory...). We 'cooled' down with a 20 minute run/jog around the parking lot. No stopping. All of this was done in 25-35 egree F weather, while it was snowing, with a horrible wind. We were outside. On the hard asphalt. I forgot gloves and a hat. And my coat. In my locker. I was soooo cold. Oh, did I mention I forgot my water in the team locker room?

    And yet, I'll be going back tomorrow. And maybe monday, tuesday. wednesday, and thursday or next week. Until Friday, when I'll stop my conditioning to go to the also very cold riding stables and argue with a horse. I absolutely love my life. (no sarcasm! Seriously!)


    P.S. - Are your pre-season track things this...rough? on the first day? We only got 2 weeks. And we're the only middle school in my county that doesn't have a real track. But are they? Just wondering...
    in on the joke and i cant stop laughing

  3. #3
    Sounds like you made a good choice Melanie. Good luck to you, enjoy the riding, how fun it is. Let us know how the track team does. Monica

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Good on ya Melanie.....keep that riding going.
    We'll make an Aussie horseman out of you yet !!!! (The best in the world)

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