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Thread: Pictures of my critters *TONS!*

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Indiana, USA

    Pictures of my critters *TONS!*

    This may take a while. lol

    First off, the dogs:

    This is Blackie. He's my twelve year old baby. He has Lab in him (as you can see), but he isn't pure. We're guessing he is mixed with Rottie. He's about 80lbs, thinks he is a lap dog, would defend us with his life, and has some dog aggression issues. He's my handsome boy.

    This is Rose. She's Blackie's daughter (an oops litter) and is nine years old. She's my little Rosie Posey and she loves to talk with her "aroooooorowrow!"s. Her mom was, to our best guess, a Cattle Dog/GSD mix. Rose is a timid little thing who hates loud noises and men, but she loves children and hunting. She is fear aggressive towards other dogs, but has gotten better.

    This is Chloe, the baby of the bunch. She is a Collie/Aussie mix and is backyard bred through and through. She came from a friend of mine who's dog had a litter of puppies....because who knew having an unnuetered male and an unspayed female running loose outside would result in puppies? She is going to be six months next week and just got spayed. She is my prospect agility dog. She is shy, but loves people. She is a dominant bitch who hates any dog who doesn't grovel at her feet.
    - ten weeks
    - at four months
    - graduation day for puppy class
    ~My Clan: Blackie, Rose, Chloe (dogs), Casey, Dameon (ferts), Pheobe (kitty), Dot, Louie (Cavies), Joey (Teil), Pikachu (Dwarf Hammie), Sadie (Guide Dog), R.I.P. Rush (15yrs), R.I.P. Lucy (4yrs)~

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Indiana, USA
    Phew - halfway done (sort of).

    Next is Sadie. She is a very special dog to me. We brought her home at seven weeks of age and raised her for Leader Dogs for the Blind in hopes of her one day becoming a Guide Dog. About a month ago, she realized that dream and was placed with a person. Her leaving us was filled with tears and happy memories, and I wish her the best of luck with her new life.

    Now the kitties.

    This is Rush, our fourteen year old pain in the butt ruler of all. He is a very good kitty and has been since he was born. He's diebetic now and has slown down with his age, but we love him to death.

    And now onto Pheobe. She is our resident kitten with quite a story behind her. Our neighbors and I found her outside all alone in a woodpile when she was four weeks old. They kept her, with me stopping by every once in a while to check up on her. A couple of days after they had her, they brought her down to us so we could kitten sit and I discovered that she had an awful toe infection - her toe had been ripped of and it was oozing like no other. We payed for her vet care and nursed her back to health for two weeks. After we'd had her, we couldn't give her back and they told us it was okay if we kept her. The other night she was stepped on by my sister and we thought she wasn't going to make it. She pulled through fine - however she is now ten weeks old and has already lost three of her nine lives. lol
    - at four weeks
    ~My Clan: Blackie, Rose, Chloe (dogs), Casey, Dameon (ferts), Pheobe (kitty), Dot, Louie (Cavies), Joey (Teil), Pikachu (Dwarf Hammie), Sadie (Guide Dog), R.I.P. Rush (15yrs), R.I.P. Lucy (4yrs)~

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Indiana, USA
    Now on to the smaller critters in my life.

    This is Joey, my year old Cockatiel. He has a fetish for ears, glasses, and earrings. He hates my guts, but loves my mom. He can whistle the Purdue theame song, Phantom of the Opera, wolf whistle, and he says "Pretty Bird".

    Next is Casey. She was my first Ferret and I couldn't have asked for a better one. She is now 2 1/2 years old and I love her to peices. She loves rubber ducks and silky stuffed animals. Her full name is Cassandra Nukpana.

    And then there is Dameon, or Dameon Michael to be precise. He's my demon ferret, as I affectionatelly call him. Never a more lazy, piggy ferret have I met. He likes food, sleeping, stealing my shoes and socks, and swimming. Where Casey is smart, he is just dumb. If you've seen the Emperor's New Groove, Dameon is like Krunk. LOL

    Hmmmm....who's left...

    Here is Lucy, my fat rescued Guinea Pig. If we hadn't taken her, her owners were going to "release her into the wild". Before we got her, she was living in a small cage with no house, a hamster sized water bottle that was too high for her to easily reach, her cage was only cleaned once a month, she was in Cedar bedding, and they fed her cat food.

    Bonnie is a Dwarf Hamster that I rescued from a friend. She brought her into school for extra credit and then failed to take care of them after that. I ended up taking her home and that is where she stayed. She is a very friendly Hammie who loves to be held. Before her, my experiences with hamsters had been negative, but she is just a doll.

    I have no good picture of Freddie, and I've never taken Tobias' picture.

    I think that is finally everyone! LOL
    ~My Clan: Blackie, Rose, Chloe (dogs), Casey, Dameon (ferts), Pheobe (kitty), Dot, Louie (Cavies), Joey (Teil), Pikachu (Dwarf Hammie), Sadie (Guide Dog), R.I.P. Rush (15yrs), R.I.P. Lucy (4yrs)~

  4. #4
    Awww what a nice household full of pets!! Cute pets!! I had two cockatiels that could do the wolf whistle!

  5. #5
    All of your pets are adorable! I just love your Rose, she is beautiful!
    Forever in my heart...

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Holy Cow - You all must have a huge place with all those critters. Love all the pictures, but will admit to a couple of favorites - Bonnie, Phoebe and Chloe.

    She is a dominant bitch who hates any dog who doesn't grovel at her feet.
    I have a cat, Reese, that matches this description

  7. #7

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2001
    Glenside, pa
    Thanks for sharing your family album! I loved it!

    I've been Boooo'd!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Aquidneck Island
    What a great family of critters! Congratulations on helping Sadie become the best friend & guiding eyes for someone, what a great gift for that person! I used to have a "Rosie Posey" too, , she was my heart dog. Welcome to PT, looking forward to seeing more pics of your crew.
    My Rosie girl.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Illinois, USA
    Now the kitties.

    This is Rush, our fourteen year old pain in the butt ruler of all. He is a very good kitty and has been since he was born. He's diabetic now and has slown down with his age, but we love him to death.

    Way to go, Rush! Cats rule! Blackrose, what a neat family album!
    Praying for peace in the Middle East, Ukraine, and around the world.

    I've been Boo'd ... right off the stage!

    Aaahh, I have been defrosted! Thank you, Bonny and Asiel!
    Brrrr, I've been Frosted! Thank you, Asiel and Pomtzu!

    "That's the power of kittens (and puppies too, of course): They can reduce us to quivering masses of Jell-O in about two seconds flat and make us like it. Good thing they don't have opposable thumbs or they'd surely have taken over the world by now." -- Paul Lukas

    "We consume our tomorrows fretting about our yesterdays." -- Persius, first century Roman poet

    Cassie's Catster page:

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Indiana, USA
    Thank you all for your compliments!

    Awww what a nice household full of pets!! Cute pets!! I had two cockatiels that could do the wolf whistle!
    Joey is my first Tiel. Before him, I had a Budgie named Abby, but she passed away at three years of day she was sick, the next she was dead. I learned alot about bird care from her, so hopefully Joey will be sticking around for quite longer. He's such a goofy bird - he also knows how to bark like a dog. LOL If we are making "woof" noises or one of the dogs barks, he joins right in.

    All of your pets are adorable! I just love your Rose, she is beautiful!
    Thank you! Rose has some very unique markings, I must say....often when I take her out with me I hear, "What a cute dog! What IS she?" LOL

    Holy Cow - You all must have a huge place with all those critters. Love all the pictures, but will admit to a couple of favorites - Bonnie, Phoebe and Chloe.
    We live out on ten acres in a two story house. We have a large basement, but it is a dungeon and is full of storage crap.
    Not what I would call "huge", but its not small either. Its big enough for seven people and some change! LOL

    And you've just made Chloe's head swell up, and Pheobe says "Of course I'm a could I not be a favorite?" Bonnie doesn't care, as you didn't give her any sunflower seeds.

    What a great family of critters! Congratulations on helping Sadie become the best friend & guiding eyes for someone, what a great gift for that person! I used to have a "Rosie Posey" too, , she was my heart dog. Welcome to PT, looking forward to seeing more pics of your crew.
    Your Rosie is adorable! What breed/mix was she? Too cute.

    Way to go, Rush! Cats rule! Blackrose, what a neat family album!
    What's funny is that in that picture he was batting at my leg because he wanted food. LOL We are most definitally his staff.
    ~My Clan: Blackie, Rose, Chloe (dogs), Casey, Dameon (ferts), Pheobe (kitty), Dot, Louie (Cavies), Joey (Teil), Pikachu (Dwarf Hammie), Sadie (Guide Dog), R.I.P. Rush (15yrs), R.I.P. Lucy (4yrs)~

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    North East Ohio
    Wow! You gave a great looking group!

    Pheobe's story had me tearing up! Glad to hear she's ok!
    And Sadie... oh how wonderful that had to feel to see her find a person to help knowing that you helped her to be the dog that she is today! Good for you!!

    Hope to see you around here for a while!
    It sure sounds like you'll fit in her perfectly!!!
    ~Angie, Sierra & Buddy
    **Don't breed or buy while shelter dogs die!**

    I suffer from multiple Shepherd syndrome

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