Hello everyone! I don't know how many of you here are on My Space but if you are I was wondering how many of you have your own page for your pets? I created one for Freckles. There are SOOO many animal lovers on My Space it's crazy! There are so many cats, dogs, hamsters, ferrets, birds etc. with their own profiles I thought it would be fun to say something about it here. It's like Petster but ten times better! So for those who want to create your own pet page go here: www.myspace.com and sign up. Freckles has 50 friends already. I still need to make pages for the cats, hedgies and other critters. It's just really fun!

Plus whenever there is something animal news related we all post bulletins. You can see Freckles page here so if anyone else has my space feel free to send us a friends request! http://profiles.myspace.com/users/9535567

and feel free to add me too! http://profiles.myspace.com/users/4223763

I also posted a bulletin this morning about Pet Talk so more animal lovers can join here. I figured it would be a good way to get more people involved in their pets by joining the forum.