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Thread: Warning about a cat-collector

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2002

    Warning about a cat-collector

    I have never posted a message like this before, but it was forwarded to me from the rescue organization i foster for. These people are bad news! They posed as a rescue organizations and were recently raided by the SPCA and over 350 animals, mostly cats, were seized due to neglect and other forms of abuse. They believe these people are trying to get more animals in new locations. Here is the e-mail

    Subject: Warning - Linda Favre AKA:Linda Mills and Ernie Mills Still Trying
    to Obtain Animals

    This is the person with the 368 cats that were seized in MD. recently.

    Please forward and cross-post widely.

    Many of you have seen this warning already, but due to recent intelligence
    that has been received by investigators, please be on the lookout for Linda
    Favre (aka Linda Mills) and her husband Ernie Mills, who are apparently
    still obtaining animals even while there is a pending investigation against
    them (and Chubber's Rescue of Denton Maryland) for one of the largest
    hoarding cases ever reported in the U.S. Hundreds of dead animals were
    found at Favre's home in Maryland, and she is believed to have at least one
    other residence where she is keeping other animals, possibly in Colorado or

    Most recently, Linda Mills/Favre has been reported to be in Tennesee, where
    she has obtained at least ten cats from unsuspecting individuals and
    shelters. Rescuers are urged to take a minute to PLEASE email their local
    media stations to see if they can post this announcement, since it is
    likely that Mills/Favre is getting animals from individuals rather than
    from shelters or rescues.

    Unfortunately, there is no centralized body for investigation of such
    crimes, so it is up to local rescuers to be alert and warn their region's
    media outlets.

    For information on this case, please view the Web site below.

  2. #2
    They believe these people are trying to get more animals in new locations.
    I feel like crying, those poor cats.

    I keep telling myself that these horders are not really animal people, they are ill people, who *think* they need animals.

    My family think I am weird, having 2 cats (They don't know about Milo yet) at least my pets are loved, cared for and healthy.

    RIP Kitty cats.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Santa Paula, CA
    This really makes me mad to know that people like this exist in the world. I sure hope that someone will catch them and arrest them. All the poor kitties please RIP.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    I'm not sure, what day is it? ;-)
    Oh no, I sure hope Kim sees this seeing as she is in Tennesse and these people might try and get some of her kitties.

    Thanks, Jen. It's just so sad that people do this.
    Spring 1986 - Dec. 11, 2004
    RIP Big Boy
    Fall 1988 - Jan. 24, 2007
    RIP Snotty Girl
    Fall 1997 - Oct. 6, 2012
    RIP Sweet Monkeyhead Girl

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